Affinity designer ipad vs desktop free.Affinity Designer: interface explained for iPad

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If yes, you only need Procreate. Instagram images are pixels wide, which is well under the Procreate limit. Do you have the kind of iPad you need to use it? Do you want to create surface designs for print on demand sites like Society 6? If yes, then you may need Affinity Designer if you want to be able to create images for all of their product sizes. Do you make a lot of surface designs and are looking for a way to speed up your workflow? Then go get a napkin, because you will probably start drooling when you see the live pattern preview in Affinity Designer.

Do you need to work with vectors for client work or your Etsy shop? Then just stop reading this and go get Affinity Designer. Seriously, why are you still here? Want to learn more about Affinity? Learn how to use Affinity Designer to create surface pattern designs on your iPad. My portfolio All Classes Contact Me. How do you make Procreate brushes? Do I need an iPad Screen Protector?

How do you animate drawings in procreate? How much do your classes cost? How do you design and sell fonts? How do you print things you made in Procreate? How do you design a digital planner? Check out my class on Affinity Designer : Here are a few things I love about Affinity Designer: Live Preview When you create a seamless repeat pattern in Affinity, you can set up a live preview of your repeat, so you can keep an eye on the pattern in repeat as you create it.

No Image Size Limits Depending on your iPad version, most programs cap your file size limit at around x pixels, and in Procreate that only allows you to use 4 layers. Non-Destructive Editing Because you can work with vectors, you can easily make changes to the colors, sizes, and textures of your images without losing image quality. Artboards You can set up artboards so that your inspiration, repeat block, and finished repeat square are all on the same document.

Vector and Raster You know how sometimes you need to isolate a texture from a raster photograph Photoshop , then make it into a vector Illustrator , then paint some raster texture Photoshop , then add some more vector elements Illustrator and create a repeat? Versatility Affinity Designer makes it easy to export your files in all of the common file types. I made this whole repeat pattern solely from assets I saved from other projects: Text You can not only use text in Affinity designer, but you can even import your own fonts.

Cons Because Affinity Designer fits so much processing power into a single program, sometimes it makes you wait for processing to catch up especially if you work with really complicated vectors like textured backgrounds or export large files.

Comparisons with Procreate I still use Procreate daily because I love the smooth, life-like drawing features it offers.

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With over brushes across 10 categories to choose from, you’re likely to find something for every type of project. While you’re creating, it’s likely that you might try to use vector brushes while you actually have a pixel layer selected. If you enable the Assistant from the Documents menu, the app will recognize this and switch your settings accordingly. This prevents your elements from getting mixed up and keeps things organized.

If you want to make edits to your brushes, you can change your settings in the Brush Editor. Brushes you edit will automatically go to the bottom of their assigned category. While Affinity Designer uses. By comparison, Adobe apps are less flexible and don’t allow you to import brush formats from other programs.

Some apps, like Illustrator for the iPad, don’t actually allow brush import. A great benefit of using Affinity Designer is the number of services that are integrated into the app. Let’s take a look at the Assets Studio first. While Affinity Designer can be used for a variety of creative fields, the Assets Studio is where you’ll find a lot of built-in UI elements that are great for web and product design.

Drag and drop iOS elements straight into your document to create a mockup in minutes. With certain projects, you might find yourself going back to the same elements over and over.

In Affinity Designer, you can save your frequently used assets to the Assets Studio and organize them into their own subsets and categories. Similarly, in the Symbols Studio , you can take graphic elements and drag, drop and apply them to your document.

Unique to the Symbols Studio, however, you can make global edits to any of your symbol elements making real-time edits. This can come in handy for branding projects where elements need to be formatted in a variety of sizes for various applications. An added benefit of the Assets and Symbols studios is that they don’t require any additional downloadable packages or connections. They are built-in and ready to use.

A simple keyword search will bring you to a library of photos that you can select, drag and drop into your document. You also have the option to use your own photos in the app as well. Images can also be placed within shapes creating a quick mask to add a fun effect to your photo. This is done easily by dragging your image layer into the shape you want it to fill. All of this functionality, coupled with the impressive selections features we saw in the Pixel Persona, show how capable Affinity Designer is at making light photo edits.

Within the app, there are two tools that you can use to work with text: Art Text and Frame Text. Art Text is for controlling your type with great flexibility in both scale and styling. It’s a great way to create expressive headlines and impactful statements with your type. Frame Text is best used for paragraphs and large flowing body text.

The bounding box that your text sits in scales proportionally and allows you to fill all your frames with automatic filler text giving you a better look at your overall layout. A lot of other apps like Procreate, Adobe Fresco and Illustrator don’t have advanced functionality for Open Type fonts.

Open Type is a font format that allows for letters to have alternate styles and predesigned settings depending on where they appear when used. These more advanced settings can be found within the Text Studio. If you find the default font selections aren’t exactly what you’re looking for, you also have the option to import your own fonts, including fonts you might use in other apps like Procreate.

Affinity Designer recognizes. TTF, and. TTC font files. Within the Fonts section of your Preferences menu, you can view, add, and delete fonts to be available in all of your Affinity Designer documents. We’ve seen that gestures have been historically innovated by Procreate, but Affinity Designer has decided to take their gestures a step further.

In addition to the standard two-finger tap to undo and three-finger tap to redo, Affinity Designer has incorporated a number of multi-touch gestures as well. Duplicating objects can be accomplished by having two fingers pressing the screen and dragging your object to duplicate it.

To constrain the proportions of an object, simply scale from the corner with one finger and press the screen with another. This is similar to Adobe’s Touch Shortcut feature, but with a bit more freedom. In Affinity Designer, you can have your finger pressing any part of the screen, whereas the Touch Shortcut is a button that needs to be pressed.

You’ll also find that scrubbing is an efficient feature that can be executed using your Apple Pencil or by sliding one finger. You can use scrubbing to adjust any of your values like brush sizes, zoom, and more. Similar to folders, you can create projects from your Home Screen and keep related documents together when sorting your content locally.

Affinity Designer also takes advantage of a lot of what’s great about the iPad and puts it to use for its users. In the Preferences menu, you can set your program to save directly to your iCloud, ensuring that your documents are accessible across all devices. With this in mind, keep in mind that files can be imported from iCloud as well. Something that’s worth mentioning with this is that there are a few ways to bring in files.

When you choose, Import from Cloud, you’re creating a copy of that document. When you choose Open from Cloud, you are working on that same document and once you save it, it will be overwritten. There’s actually one more Persona that we haven’t mentioned yet: the Export Persona. Like the other two Personas we’ve seen, it changes the tools on your screen. This Persona is specifically for preparing your document for export. Affinity Designer manages your export settings using the Slices Studio.

The Slice Tool allows you to manually configure specific document selections or slices as opposed to using the Layers Studio. Alternatively, to export the entire document you can select the Page slice. This is interesting because it allows you to get super specific with your export options. Using this tool, you can even export 1x, 2x or 3x resolution versions of your artwork simultaneously.

With Affinity Designer being cross-platform compatible for Windows, MacOS, and iPad, it’s no surprise that it can also read and edit documents from other programs. You can open up Adobe Illustrator documents with complete layer preservation.

The editing capabilities within Affinity Designer will depend on the features you used and how the document was saved. You can even import and work on PSD files within the app for added flexibility and range. The capabilities of Affinity Designer are so robust that trying to navigate or realize its full potential can be a bit overwhelming.

Between the grids, gradients, and blend modes, and vector drawing capabilities, it can be a lot to wrap your head around.


Drop everything and download: Affinity Designer for iPad | Stuff


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Affinity designer ipad vs desktop free. The design revolution


You must enable JavaScript to fully view this webpage. If it is not enabled, your experience will be limited and you will be unable to purchase products, complete forms or load images and videos. Optimized for the latest tech on Mac, Affinity designer ipad vs desktop free and iPad, Affinity Designer is setting the new industry affinity designer ipad vs desktop free in the world of design.

No bloat, no gimmicks, just all the tools you need, implemented how you always dreamed. Affinity Designer is a stripped back, pro-end workhorse that will always get your job done. Affinity Designer was created to thrive on the electric pace of the latest computing hardware. The engine behind Affinity Designer читать статью built affinity designer ipad vs desktop free handle huge documents so you can be confident in adding all those tiny details without any compromise to performance.

Switch between full featured vector and raster workspaces with a single click. Thousands of designers around the world told us how they need their graphic design app to behave.

We put that knowledge at the core of Affinity Designer. Saveable history with alternate futures. The UI has been created to give you the best user experience possible so you can spend more time creating. Timesaving tools such as Select Same and Select Object allow you to efficiently match attributes or select all objects of a certain type for easy editing, while studio presets for the UI layout allow you to save your favorite workspace setups for different tasks and easily switch between them.

Whether on Windows, Mac or iPad, the file format is exactly the same. Affinity Designer is full of tools meticulously developed for achieving high productivity, while maintaining percent accurate geometry.

Effortlessly add a contour to any object or increase the width of single open curves. Affinity designer ipad vs desktop free options you have for setting up grids and guides is almost unlimited. This is what we mean by power. From the beginning we developed our engine to work to floating point accuracy. What does this mean? Layout all your screens, pages, menus and other items in a single project across any number of artboards.

Export узнать больше здесь, or any individual elements in your designs, with a single click. Symbols allow you to include unlimited instances of the same base object across your project. Edit one, and the rest update instantly. Pixel perfect designs are assured by viewing your work in pixel preview mode. This allows you to view vectors in both standard and retina resolution, giving you a completely live view of how every element of your design will export.

Whether working with artistic text for headlines, or frames of text for body copy, you can affinity designer ipad vs desktop free advanced styling and ligatures with full control over leading, kerning, tracking and more.

At any time convert your text to curves to take full control and produce your own exquisite, custom typography to add serious impact. Advanced file support is at the core of the back-end technology behind Affinity Designer. The design revolution Optimized for the latest tech on Mac, Windows and iPad, Affinity Designer is setting the new industry standard in the world of design.

Serious affinity designer ipad vs desktop free No bloat, no gimmicks, just all the tools you need, implemented how you always dreamed. Fast and glorious Affinity Designer was created to thrive on the electric pace of the latest computing hardware.

As complex as you like The engine behind Affinity Перейти на источник is built to handle huge documents so you can be confident in adding all those tiny details without any compromise to performance. Built for your workflow Thousands of designers around the world told us how they need their graphic design app to behave.

Timesaving functions The UI has been created to give you the best user experience possible so you can spend more time creating. Any device, anywhere Whether on Windows, Mac or iPad, the file format is exactly the same. Rock solid vector tools Affinity Designer is full of tools meticulously developed for achieving high productivity, while maintaining percent accurate geometry.

Powerful contour tool Effortlessly add a contour to any object or increase the width of single open curves. Advanced grids and guides The options you have for setting up grids and guides is almost unlimited.

Unlimited artboards Layout all your screens, pages, menus and other items in a single project affinity designer ipad vs desktop free any number of artboards. Linked symbols Symbols allow you to include unlimited instances of the same base object across your project. Live pixel preview Pixel perfect designs are assured by viewing your work in pixel preview mode. Sophisticated typography Whether working with artistic text for headlines, or frames of text for body copy, you can add advanced styling and ligatures with full control over leading, kerning, tracking and more.

Professional output for print, screen or collaboration Advanced file support is at the core of the back-end technology behind Affinity Designer. Buy now. Own the most powerful design software today. This browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. Find out more.

