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We show what is enabled in the default policy and the changes that the user can do on top of this policy. App Protect includes predefined attack signatures to protect your application against all attack types identified by the system.
As new attack signatures are identified, they will become available for download so that your system will always have the most up-to-date protection. You can update the attack signatures without updating the App Protect release, and conversely, you can update App Protect without changing the attack signature package, unless you moved to a new NGINX Plus release.
The following signature sets are included in the default policy. Most of the sets are defined by the Attack Type they protect from. In all sets the Alarm flag is enabled and Block disabled except High Accuracy Signatures, which are set to blocked Block flag is enabled. The policy is represented in a JSON file which you can edit to add, modify and remove security capabilities with respect to the base template.
The base template is the common starting point to any policy you write. The default policy just reflects that template without any further modifications, thus we use the terms base template and default policy interchangeably. The default policy enforces violations by Violation Rating , the App Protect computed assessment of the risk of the request based on the triggered violations.
The default policy enables most of the violations and signature sets with Alarm turned ON, but not Block. These violations and signatures, when detected in a request, affect the violation rating. This is true even if the other violations and signatures detected in that request had the Block flag turned OFF.
By default, other requests which have a lower violation rating are not blocked, except for some specific violations described below. This is to minimize false positives. However, you can change the default behavior. The following violations and signature sets have a low chance of being false positives and are, therefore, configured by default to block the request regardless of its Violation Rating:. The Strict Policy is recommended as a starting point for applications requiring a higher level of security.
Just like all other policies it is based on the base template, so it detects and blocks everything the default policy does. Note: Other violations, specifically attack signatures and metacharacters, which are more prone to false positives, still have only Alarm turned on, without blocking, contributing to the Violation Rating as in the Default policy.
In addition, the Strict policy also enables the following features in alarm only mode:. The policy JSON file specifies the settings that are different from the base template, such as enabling more signatures, disabling some violations, adding server technologies, etc. These will be shown in the next sections.
Both options are equivalent in their semantic expression power, but different syntactically and are designated for different use cases. As you can see, this is expressed using the signatures property that contains configuration of individual signatures in a policy.
If you want to modify other parts of the policy, you would use different JSON properties. Note the generic schema that can express manipulation in any policy element: entity , entityType , action etc. The modifications array is a flat list of individual changes applied to the policy after evaluating the policy block. So when to use policy and when to use modifications?
There are some recommended practice guidelines for that:. It is a good practice to separate the modifications to a different file and have the main policy file reference the former, as the two parts have different lifecycles.
The sections just below review the common policy feature configurations using examples. To set different states to sub-violations within the violation, enable the violation first, then specifying and enable the sub-violations.
The examples below show how to enable a violation and sub-violation in a declarative format. Note that the example defines the blocking and alarm setting for each violation. These settings override the default configuration set above in the enforcementMode directive. Be aware, however, that in a transparent policy no violations are blocked, even if specific violations are set to block: true in the configuration. HTTP compliance is one of the basic application security violations.
It validates the request itself and also prevents the use of the HTTP protocol as an entry point to the application. In this example, we enable the HTTP compliance violation with the blocking as true. We also configure enabled or disabled all of its sub-violations in the relevant HTTP section.
However, not listing a violation does not mean it will be disabled. Rather, it would actually mean that the default configuration would not be overridden for that specific sub-violation. Evasion techniques refers to techniques usually used by hackers to attempt to access resources or evade what would otherwise be identified as an attack. Like HTTP compliance, evasion techniques have a list of sub-violations that can be configured for additional granularity and to reduce false positives.
In this example, we enable the evasion technique violation with the blocking as true. We also configure enabled or disabled all of its sub-violations in the relevant section.
HTTP header enforcement refers to the handling of the headers section as a special part of the request. These header elements are parsed and enforced based on header specific criteria. However, it is important to distinguish between 2 distinct types of enforcement for HTTP headers:. As far as the header field enforcement is concerned, the following violations are enabled by default:. There are 3 additional violations that are part of the header enforcement but are specific to the Cookie header alone:.
It is important to emphasize that the Cookie header field is a special case because its behavior is determined by and configured in the cookie policy entity rather than the header entity. The Cookie HTTP header entity is only a placeholder in that it is read-only and does not affect the way cookies are enforced.
To modify the configuration of the cookie header field behavior, modify the respective cookie entity in the declarative policy. It is possible to customize the policy configuration using different enforcement modes of the above two violations, as well as configuring custom header elements. For example, we can add a new header Myheader and exclude this header from attack signature checks.
Alternatively, we can specify a mandatory header that should be present in all requests being sent to our application. Following is an example configuration where we enable Header violations in blocking mode, create a custom header MyHeader , and configure this custom header to allow multiple occurrences of the same header, disable checking attack signatures for the header, and mark it as optional not mandatory :. Anti Automation provides basic bot protection by detecting bot signatures and clients that falsely claim to be browsers or search engines.
The bot-defense section in the policy is enabled by default. Anti Automation encompasses both Bot Signatures and Header Anomalies, each of which can be disabled separately. Each bot signature belongs to a bot class. An action can be configured for each bot class, or may also be configured per each bot signature individually:. The default actions for classes are: detect for trusted-bot , alarm for untrusted-bot , and block for malicious-bot.
In this example, we enabled bot defense and specified that we want to raise a violation for trusted-bot , and block for untrusted-bot. This is a list of the trusted bots that are currently part of the bot signatures. As the title suggests, these bot signatures belong to the trusted-bot class and currently all are search engines. Each request receives a score, is categorized by anomaly, and is enforced according to the default configured anomaly action:. Notice that the default scores for each anomaly can be changed.
In this example, we override the score and action of the default bot configuration:. Attack signatures are rules or patterns that identify attack sequences or classes of attacks on a web application and its components.
You can apply attack signatures to both requests and responses. Rather, the violation is determined by the combination of the signature sets on the policy. There are several ways to configure the enforced signature sets.
In this example, only high accuracy signatures are configured to be enforced, but SQL Injection signatures are detected and reported:. A signature may belong to more than one set in the policy.
Its behavior is determined by the most severe action across all the sets that contain it. In the above example, a high accuracy SQL injection signature will both alarm and block, because the High Accuracy Signatures set is blocking and both sets trigger alarm. The default policy already includes many signature sets, most of which are determined by the attack type these signatures protect from, for example Cross-Site Scripting Signatures or SQL Injection Signatures See the full list.
In some cases you may want to exclude individual signatures. Another way to exclude signature ID is by using the modifications section instead of the signatures section used in the example above:. To exclude multiple attack signatures, each signature ID needs to be added as a separate entity under the modifications list:.
In the above examples, the signatures were disabled for all the requests that are inspected by the respective policy. You can also exclude signatures for specific URLs or parameters, while still enable them for the other URLs and parameters. In some cases, you may want to remove a whole signature set that was included in the default policy.
For example, suppose your protected application does not use XML and hence is not exposed to XPath injection. You would like to remove the set XPath Injection Signatures. There are two ways to do that. The first is to set the alarm and block flags to false for this signature set overriding the settings in the base template:.
Although the two methods are functionally equivalent, the second one is preferable for performance reasons. Another way to configure attack signature sets is by applying server technologies. Server technologies applies sets of signatures that would be relevant to attacks targeted to a specific OS, application, or server type.
The Server technologies are represented in attack signatures as systems using the same name, for example SharePoint. Note, however, that the overlap between Server technologies and signature systems is not complete: there are server technologies that cannot be represented as signature systems, and also a few generic signature systems that are not represented as server technologies.
The exact details will follow in the sections just below. Server technologies that are not signature systems will not bring in new signatures when added to the policy. However, associating them with the policy still has declarational value, and in one of the future signature updates they may be associated with new signatures.
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Your results may vary. Code generation is the foundation on top of which everything else is built. As such, improvements to code generation have a multiplicative effect, with the power to improve the performance of all code that runs on the platform. NET 6 sees an unbelievable number of performance improvements finding their way into the JIT just-in-time compilerwhich is used to пост adobe illustrator cs5.1 free download полезное IL intermediate microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free into assembly code at run-time, and which is also used for AOT ahead-of-time compilation as part of Crossgen2 and the R2R format ReadyToRun.
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Now, what happens if we remove the NoInlining :. Inlining is a very powerful optimization. Of course, you also need to be best free 720p render 13 settings vegas sony pro with inlining.
If you inline too much, you bloat the code in hiyhly methods, potentially very significantly. That can make microbenchmarks look very good in some circumstances, but it can also have some bad net effects.
Every call site to Int Parse will now end up carrying a potentially optimized with dash 3 download version for pc effects copy of the code; call it from different locations, and you now havebytes of assembly code rather than 1, that are reused. That means more memory consumption for the assembly code, and if it was AOT-compiled, more size on disk.
But it also has other potentially deleterious affects. Computers use very fast and limited size instruction caches to store code to be run. If you have bytes of code that you invoke from different places, each of those places compresded potentially reuse the bytes previously loaded into the cache.
Net net, inlining is hugely powerful, but also something to be employed carefully, and the JIT methodically but necessarily quickly weighs decisions it makes about what to inline and what not to with a variety of heuristics. First, it got faster, yet there was little-to-no work done within Utf8Formatter itself in. NET 6 to improve the performance of this benchmark. Second, the code size which is emitted thanks to using the [DisassemblyDiagnoser] attribute in our Program.
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That method is a switch on the input format. Symbolbranching to call frde other methods offife on the format symbol employed e. As a result, even though TryFormat gets inlined, in. Inlining also goes hand-in-hand with devirtualization, which is the act in which the JIT takes a virtual or interface method call, determines statically the actual end target offiec the invocation, and emits a direct call to that target, saving on the cost of the virtual dispatch.
Once devirtualized, the target may also be inlined subject to all of the same rules and heuristicsin which case it can avoid not only the virtual dispatch overhead, but also potentially benefit from the further optimizations inlining can enable. For example, consider a function like the following, which you might find in a collection implementation:. A microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free ccompressed of. Default to compare each element of the tuple :.
But адрес страницы improvements have gone well micrsooft such known intrinsic methods. Consider this microbenchmark:. NET Core enabled the JIT to avoid the boxing operation here from casting a value type to an interface it implements and emit this purely as a constrained method call, and then a subsequent release enabled it to be devirtualized and inlined:. Length call. NET Note in. Length call, with the assembly now limited to moving the answer 3 into the return register:.
A multitude of other changes have impacted devirtualization as well. One of my favorite features of. NET in multiple forms over the years. But the implementation in. The general idea behind profile-guided optimization is that a developer can first compile their app, using special tooling that instruments the binary to track various pieces of interesting data.
They compreszed then run their instrumented application through typical use, and the resulting data from the instrumentation can then be fed back into the compiler the next time around to influence how the compiler compiles the code.
However, with tiered compilation, a whole new world microsofy available. You can see where this is going. That enables gathering all of the interesting data during tier 0.
Note that the core libraries that make up. To enable instrumenting the core libraries as well, you can disable ReadyToRun:. Then the core libraries will also participate. You may hear folks working on. When compiled on. NET 6 normally, we get this:. A few things to notice, beyond it being much longer. That enables better use of instruction caches and minimizes loads necessary to bring in likely-unsed code. Now at the beginning of the method, we see:. This is the magic. Range inside of the Enumerable implementation.
MoveNext method, devirtualized. Not only that, but it decided it was profitable to inline that MoveNext method. That MoveNext implementation microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free then coompressed assembly code that immediately follows. The читать статью effect of this is a bit larger code, but microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free for the exact scenario expected to be most common:.
It can actually reduce code size in various circumstances by choosing to not apply optimizations that might otherwise increase code size e. It can optimize for type casts, emitting checks that do a direct type comparison against the actual object type rather than always relying on more complicated and expensive cast helpers e.
The list will continue to grow over time as the JIT learns more and more how to, well, learn. There are other categories of optimization critical to high-performance C and. NET code, as well. For example, bounds checking. One of the great things about C and. NET is that, unless you go out of your way to circumvent the protections put in place e.
You can see that with a simple example:. Length against the index value stored in the r8d register. If the index is equal to or greater than the array length, it jumps to the end of the method, which calls a helper that throws an exception.
Of course, such bounds checks add overhead.
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Roy Parsifal Shameless italian couples show themselves unveiled Vol. The city grew due to an influx of European immigrants, most of Heavy duty Type BCR See tooling section in Master Catalog for complete tool and die Figure A. Appendix 3. The UN master list of numbered rules of engagement. Rfid chip mandatory. Dell started out as one of these manufacturers, under its original name PC Limited. In , the NeXTstation workstation computer went on sale, for “interpersonal” computing as Steve Jobs described it.
Despite its pioneering use of Object-oriented programming concepts, the NeXTstation was somewhat a commercial failure, and NeXT shut down hardware operations in In the early s, the CD-ROM became an industry standard , and by the mids one was built into almost all desktop computers, and toward the end of the s, in laptops as well. Although introduced in , the CD ROM was mostly used for audio during the s, and then for computer data such as operating systems and applications into the s.
Another popular use of CD ROMs in the s was multimedia , as many desktop computers started to come with built-in stereo speakers capable of playing CD quality music and sounds with the Sound Blaster sound card on PCs.
IBM introduced its successful ThinkPad range at COMDEX using the series designators , and allegedly analogous to the BMW car range and used to indicate market , the series being the “budget”, the series “midrange” and the series “high end”. The A series was later partially replaced by the R series.
Other previous competition such as Sinclair and Amstrad were no longer in the computer market. With less competition than ever before, Dell rose to high profits and success, introducing low cost systems targeted at consumers and business markets using a direct-sales model.
Dell surpassed Compaq as the world’s largest computer manufacturer, and held that position until October In , Apple introduced the Power Macintosh series of high-end professional desktop computers for desktop publishing and graphic designers. These new computers made use of new Motorola PowerPC processors as part of the AIM alliance , to replace the previous Motorola 68k architecture used for the Macintosh line.
During the s, the Macintosh remained with a low market share , but as the primary choice for creative professionals, particularly those in the graphics and publishing industries. In , the ARM Cortex-A8 was released, the first Cortex design to be adopted on a large scale for use in consumer devices. Due to the sales growth of IBM clones in the ’90s, they became the industry standard for business and home use.
This growth was augmented by the introduction of Microsoft’s Windows 3. The Macintosh was sent into a period of decline by these developments coupled with Apple’s own inability to come up with a successor to the Macintosh operating system, and by Apple was almost bankrupt.
The NeXT purchase and Jobs’ return brought Apple back to profitability, first with the release of Mac OS 8 , a major new version of the operating system for Macintosh computers, and then with the PowerMac G3 and iMac computers for the professional and home markets.
The iMac was notable for its transparent bondi blue casing in an ergonomic shape, as well as its discarding of legacy devices such as a floppy drive and serial ports in favor of Ethernet and USB connectivity. The iMac sold several million units and a subsequent model using a different form factor remains in production as of August This gave the personal computer user the capability to copy and “burn” standard Audio CDs which were playable in any CD player.
As computer hardware grew more powerful and the MP3 format became pervasive, “ripping” CDs into small, compressed files on a computer’s hard drive became popular. Since the late s, many more personal computers started shipping that included USB Universal Serial Bus ports for easy plug and play connectivity to devices such as digital cameras , video cameras , personal digital assistants , printers , scanners , USB flash drives and other peripheral devices.
By the early 21st century, all shipping computers for the consumer market included at least two USB ports. Also during the late s DVD players started appearing on high-end, usually more expensive, desktop and laptop computers, and eventually on consumer computers into the first decade of the 21st century.
Compaq itself had bought Tandem Computers in which had been started by ex-HP employees , and Digital Equipment Corporation in Following this strategy HP became a major player in desktops, laptops, and servers for many different markets. The buyout made HP the world’s largest manufacturer of personal computers, until Dell later surpassed HP. In , AMD shipped its bit based microprocessor line for desktop computers, Opteron and Athlon Intel , in , reacted to AMD’s success with bit based processors, releasing updated versions of their Xeon and Pentium 4 lines.
The company will retain the right to use certain IBM brand names for an initial period of five years. As a result of the purchase, Lenovo inherited a product line that featured the ThinkPad , a line of laptops that had been one of IBM’s most successful products.
In the early 21st century, Wi-Fi began to become increasingly popular as many consumers started installing their own wireless home networks. Many of today’s laptops and desktop computers are sold pre-installed with wireless cards and antennas. Also in the early 21st century, LCD monitors became the most popular technology for computer monitors , with CRT production being slowed down.
The first decade of the 21st century also saw the rise of multi-core processors see following section and flash memory. Once limited to high-end industrial use due to expense, these technologies are now mainstream and available to consumers. In the MacBook Air and Asus Eee PC were released, laptops that dispense with an optical drive and hard drive entirely relying on flash memory for storage.
The invention in the late s of local area networks LANs , notably Ethernet , allowed PCs to communicate with each other peer-to-peer and with shared printers. As the microcomputer revolution continued, more robust versions of the same technology were used to produce microprocessor based servers that could also be linked to the LAN. This was facilitated by the development of server operating systems to run on the Intel architecture , including several versions of both Unix and Microsoft Windows.
Multi-core processors can be programmed and reasoned about using symmetric multiprocessing SMP techniques known since the 60s see the SMP article for details. PCI Express is released in It becomes the most commonly used bus in PC-compatible desktop computers.
Three former SGI employees had founded 3dfx in It provided only 3D acceleration and as such the computer also needed a traditional video controller for conventional 2D software. Control of the specification was passed to the Khronos Group in ACPI then executes the desired operations such as the initialization of hardware components using an embedded minimal virtual machine. First-generation ACPI hardware had issues. In , Intel announced the commercialisation of Tri-gate transistor.
HBM was released in In May , Chinese officials ordered government agencies and state-backed companies to remove personal computers produced by American corporations and replace them with equipment from domestic companies. The state-mandated order is expected to result in the removal of about 50 million computers, with HP and Dell expected to lose the most future business from the mandate. In , million personal computers were shipped in comparison to 48, in More than million PCs were in use in and one billion personal computers had been sold worldwide since mids till this time.
Of the latter figure, 75 percent were professional or work related, while the rest sold for personal or home use. About United States had received As of June , the number of personal computers worldwide in use hit one billion. About million PCs 16 percent of the existing installed base were expected to be replaced and 35 million to be dumped into landfill in The whole installed base grew 12 percent annually.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History of the consumer personal computer. Main articles: Personal computer and History of computing hardware s—present. See also: History of computing hardware s—present. Main article: Simon computer. Main article: IBM Main article: Olivetti Elea.
Main article: LINC. Main article: Programma Main article: Datapoint Main article: Kenbak Main article: Micral. Main article: Altair Main article: Homebrew Computer Club. Main article: Apple II. Main article: Commodore PET. Main article: TRS See also: Home computer. Main article: Atari 8-bit family. Main article: Sinclair ZX Main article: Sinclair Spectrum.
Main article: Sinclair QL. Main article: TI See also: Video game crash of This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. June Learn how and when to remove this template message. The New York Times. Retrieved 13 February Science Magazine. December IEEE Journal. May September Archived from the original on 18 June Retrieved 10 June Apple Computer Inc.
Kelley Advertising and Marketing. DSM 7. Users who have already installed this version of DSM are recommended to update the packages in Package Center. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
Note: After installing this update, file attributes will be restored to the last ones before Active Directory Server is activated. After upgrading to DSM 6. Fixed an issue where the DSM welcome title and message will be reset to default if users set it to blank.
DSM 4. The desktop version of DSM on touch-enabled devices has been enhanced to support more touch events for Safari on iPhone, iPad and Chrome on Android devices. VPN connection is supported with reconnect automatically when the connection is lost. Applications Modularization: Six previously built-in applications – Photo Station, Audio Station, Download Station, Media Server, iTunes Server, and Surveillance Station – are now modularized to be independent packages, and they can be installed or updated separately without interrupting services running on DSM.
You will get an overview of system status and monitor the activities of your Synology DiskStation right after the login. Connection Manager: A real-time connection list is now added to allow you to monitor who is accessing your data and kill the connections of unwanted users. VMware vSphere 5. The test result of iSCSI writing is listed below:. Time Backup Enhancements : Remote destination is now supported to help you back up multiple versions onto another DiskStation over LAN for disaster recovery.
The sync can be triggered by the modification on the files, or you can schedule the sync task according to needs, and retain the mirror shared folders on the destination DiskStation. For the complete list of supported printers, please see here. For the complete list of supported routers, please see here. Check the supported router list in the Special Notes. Multitasking: Users can run multiple applications simultaneously on Desktop and switch between them instantly.
Json call. Json is defined as:. As mentioned earlier, thanks to tiered compilation, static readonly s initialized in tier 0 can become consts in tier 1. This was enabled in previous. NET releases. For example, you might find code that dynamically enables or disables a feature based on an environment variable and then stores the result of that into a static readonly bool. When code reading that static field is recompiled in tier 1, the Boolean value can be considered a constant, enabling branches based on that value to be trimmed away.
For example, given this benchmark:. The aforementioned PR builds on that capability by enabling null folding for such values. Consider a library that exposes a method like:. Default passed as an argument. NET 6, you can see those first two instructions are still there, and the last three instructions are still there, but the middle four instructions test , jne , mov , mov have evaporated, because the compiler is now able to propagate the non-nullness of the static readonly and eliminate completely the comparer??
Default; from the inlined helper. Most of the Math methods can now participate in constant folding, so if their inputs end up as constants for whatever reason, the results can become constants as well, and with constant propagation, this leads to the potential for serious reduction in run-time evaluation.
Math docs , editing it to create a method that computes the height of a trapezoid. Note the time spent for. NET 6 has dropped to nothing, and the code size has dropped from bytes to Because the entire operation became a single constant.
NET 5 assembly looked like this:. Pow on top of a bunch of double addition, subtraction, and square root operations, whereas with. NET 6, we get:. There were additional folding-related improvements.
Sometimes, though, improvements are much more focused, with a change intended to improve the code generated for a very specific pattern. And there have been a lot of those in. Here are a few examples:. The trouble with this, however, is that in order to call the ThrowIfNull method with a string literal, we end up needing to materialize that string literal as a string object e.
If the check were being done inline, the JIT already has logic to deal with that, e. But here are a few key statements from her post to help shed some light on the terminology:. Regions are much smaller units, they are by default 4MB each. Same with free spaces in gen2 and LOH — you might have some free spaces in gen2, it would be nice to use them to allocate some large objects.
We do decommit on a segment but only the end of the segment which is after the very last live object on that segment denoted by the light gray space at the end of each segment. And if you have pinning that prevents the GC from retracting the end of the segment, then we can only form free spaces and free spaces are always committed memory. But that requires bookkeeping to remember which parts in the middle of a segment are decommitted so we need to re-commit them when we want to use them to allocate objects.
And now we are getting into the idea of regions anyway, which is to have much smaller amounts of memory being manipulated separately by the GC.
Sometimes performance optimizations are about eliminating unnecessary work, or making tradeoffs that optimize for the common case while slightly pessimizing niche cases, or taking advantage of new lower-level capabilities to do something faster, or any number of other things. But sometimes, performance optimizations are about finding ways to help bad-but-common code be a little less bad.
To do that, at its core a thread pool needs two things: a queue of work to be processed, and a set of threads to process them. We can write a functional, trivial thread pool, well, trivially:. Boom, functional thread pool. But… not a very good one. The hardest part of a good thread pool is in the management of the threads, and in particular determining at any given point how many threads should be servicing the queue of work.
NET ThreadPool has multiple mechanisms in place for determining how many threads should be in play at any point in time. First, it has a starvation detection mechanism. Thus, we end up blocking every thread in the pool, waiting for the thread pool to detect the starvation and inject another thread, which the repro then dutifully blocks, and on and on, until finally there are enough threads that every queued work item can be running concurrently. You can see the output here; pay attention to the timestamps on each work item, where you can see that after ramping up very quickly to have a number of threads equal to the number of cores, it then very slowly introduces additional threads.
In response, the thread pool becomes much more aggressive about increasing its target thread count while the blocking persists, and then immediately lowers the target count again as soon as the blocking has ended.
Running the same console app again on. Interestingly, this improvement was made easier by another large thread pool related change in. NET 6: the implementation is now entirely in C. In previous releases of. As of. This should make further improvements and optimizations easier and enable more advancements in the pool in future releases. One of the things you find a lot in multithreaded code, whether direct usage in low-lock algorithms or indirect usage in concurrency primitives like locks and semaphores, is spinning.
That makes it challenging for tuning the behavior of higher-level code written using spin loops, which core code in the runtime and key concurrency-related types in the core libraries do.
To address this discrepancy and provide a consistent view of pauses, previous releases of. NET have tried to measure at startup the duration of pauses, and then used those metrics to normalize how many pauses are used when one is needed. However, this approach has a few downsides. NET process invocations that happen every day. To address this, the aforementioned PR changes its scheme. Rather than measuring once at startup for a longer period of time, it periodically does a short measurement and uses that to refresh its perspective on how long pauses take.
This should lead to an overall decrease in CPU usage as well as a more up-to-date understanding of what these pauses cost, leading to a more consistent behavior of the apps and services that rely on it. One notable and long overdue change is enabling Task. When async methods were added in.
But Task. This has led to one of two commonly-seen occurrences: either a developer using Task. FromResult recognizes this deficiency and has to maintain their own cache for values like true and false , or a developer using Task. This adds a tiny bit of overhead a branch or two when Task. NET 6 that is likely to impact a lot of.
NET code, directly or indirectly. This requires some backstory. We can see that if we compile a simple async method:. This builder type is used in the generated code to create the builder instance via a static Create method , to access the built task via a Task instance property , to complete that built task via SetResult and SetException instance methods , and to handle the state management associated with that built task when an await yields via AwaitOnCompleted and UnsafeAwaitOnCompleted instance methods.
Most developers should never see these types in any code they read or write. One of the downsides to this model, however, is that which builder is selected is tied to the definition of the type being returned from the async method.
Why would you want to change the builder? There are a variety of reasons someone might want to control the details of the lifecycle of the task, but one of the most prominent is pooling. As outlined in the blog post Async ValueTask Pooling in. NET 5 ,. That experiment is complete and the environment variable removed for.
In its stead, this capability is supported in a new form in. NET 6 and C If we change our previous example to be:. We can see that with a simple benchmark:. Note the allocation per call dropping from bytes to 0. Two reasons. First, it does create a functional difference. Task s are more capable than ValueTask s, supporting concurrent usage, multiple awaiters, and synchronous blocking.
If consuming code was, for example, doing:. Code analysis rule CA is meant to help avoid such code, but that alone is insufficient to prevent such breaks. Second, as you can see from the benchmark above, while the pooling avoided the allocation, it came with a bit more overhead.
And not shown here is the additional overhead in memory and working set of having to maintain the pool at all, which is maintained per async method. There are also some potential overheads not shown here, things that are common pitfalls to any kind of pooling.
For example, the GC is optimized to make gen0 collections really fast, and one of the ways it can do that is by not having to scan gen1 or gen2 as part of a gen0 GC. Since the entire purpose of pooling is to keep objects around for a long time, those objects will likely end up being in these higher generations, and any references they store could end up making GCs more expensive; that can easily be the case with these state machines, as every parameter and local used in the method could potentially need to be tracked as such.
Beyond these new builders, there have been other new APIs introduced in. NET 6 related to tasks. This is useful in replacing a fairly common pattern that shows up and that, unfortunately, developers often get wrong with developers wanting to wait for a task to complete but with either or both a timeout and cancellation.
For example, this:. WaitAsync to replace a similar implementation that existed inside of SemaphoreSlim. WaitAsync , such that the latter is now both simpler to maintain and faster with less allocation. NET 6 also sees the long-requested addition of Parallel. On the subject of CancellationToken , the cancellation support in.
NET 6 has also seen performance improvements, both for existing functionality and for new APIs that enable an app to do even better. That led to a really neat but complicated lock-free implementation that involved quite a bit of allocation and overhead.
If you were in fact registering and unregistering from the same token from lots of threads in parallel, the implementation was very efficient and resulted in good throughput.
This PR recognizes this reality and reverts the implementation to a much simpler, lighterweight, and faster one that performs better for the vast majority use case while taking a hit if it is actually hammered by multiple threads concurrently.
CancellationToken also has new APIs that help with performance. This gets a bit tricky, however, if CancelAfter is used or if the constructor is used that takes a timeout, as both of those cause a timer to be created, and there are race conditions possible between the timer firing and someone checking to see whether IsCancellationRequested is true to determine whether to reuse the instance.
The new TryReset method avoids this race condition. Those are some of the bigger performance-focused changes in threading. There are a myriad of smaller ones as well, for example the new Thread. Exchange and Interlocked. CompareExchange when used with nint IntPtr or nuint UIntPtr by enabling them to reuse the existing intrinsics for int and long :.
NET app uses types from the core System namespace, and so improvements to these types often have wide-reaching impact. There have been many performance enhancements to these types in. Guid is used to provide unique identifiers for any number of things and operations. The ability to create them quickly is important, as is the ability to quickly format and parse them. Previous releases have seen significant improvements on all these fronts, but they get even better in.
The net result is a very nice increase in throughput:. I love seeing tables like this. NET 5, and then another 2. NET 5 to. Just one small example of how the platform gets better every release. NewGuid has never guaranteed that the values generated would employ cryptographically-secure randomness, however as an implementation detail, on Windows NewGuid was implemented with CoCreateGuid which was in turn implemented with CryptGenRandom , and developers starting using Guid.
NewGuid as an easy source of randomness seeded by a cryptographically-secure generator. On Linux, Guid. Moving on in System , Version is another such example of just getting better and better every release. TryFormat had been using a cached StringBuilder for formatting. For example, it had been using Int TryFormat to format each of the int version components Major , Minor , Build , Revision , but these components are guaranteed to never be negative, so we could actually format them as uint with no difference in behavior.
Why is that helpful here? One of my personal favorite sets of changes in. NET 6 is the overhauling of System. There are many ways performance improvements can come about, and one of the most elusive but also impactful is completely changing the algorithm used to something much faster.
That served. NET well, but it was time for an upgrade. In the intervening years, a myriad number of pseudo-random algorithms have emerged, and for. RandomNumberGenerator should be used instead. However, beyond the algorithm employed, the implementation is now smarter about overheads.
For good or bad reasons, Random was introduced with almost all of its methods virtual. Now in. NET 6, just as for derived types, we fall back to the old implementation if a seed is supplied, otherwise preferring the new algorithm.
This sets us up for the future where we can freely change and evolve the algorithm used by new Random as better approaches present themselves. The Random changes also highlight tradeoffs made in optimizations. The approach of dynamically choosing the implementation to use when the instance is constructed means we incur an extra virtual dispatch on each operation.
For the new Random case that utilizes a new, faster algorithm, that overhead is well worth it and is much less than the significant savings incurred. As the overhead is small on my machine ns and as the scenarios for providing a seed are a minority use case in situations where counting nanoseconds matters passing a specific seed is often used in testing, for example, where repeatable results are required , we accepted the tradeoff.
NET 6 than in. NET 5 and even managed to turn most into improvements. This was done primarily by splitting the compat strategy implementation further into one for new Random seed and one for new DerivedRandom , which enables the former to avoid any virtual dispatch between members and for the latter, derived types can override to provide their own completion implementation.
In addition to changes in the implementation, Random also gained new surface area in. The static Random. Shared property returns a thread-safe instance that can be used from any thread. This means code no longer needs to pay the overheads of creating a new Random instance when it might sporadically want to get a pseudo-random value, nor needs to manage its own scheme for caching and using Random instances in a thread-safe manner.
Code can simply do Random. Next, Environment provides access to key information about the current machine and process. In addition to reducing the amount of code needed in the implementation, this takes advantage of the fact that IndexOf is heavily optimized using a vectorized implementation. The net result is much faster retrieval of all environment variables: on my machine, with the environment variables I have in my environment, I get results like these:.
NET 6 also sees new APIs added to Environment to provide not only simpler access to commonly-accessed information, but also much faster access. To achieve that prior to. NET 5, code would often do something like Process. Id , and. NET 5 added Environment. ProcessId to make that easier and faster. FileName ; now in.
ProcessPath :. There are other new analyzers as well:. IsDefined , Enum. GetName , and Enum. There were several issues to be addressed here. That then meant that internal helpers for doing things like getting the numerical value of an enum were also typed to accept object.
When the generic overloads came along in. NET 5, they utilized the same internal helpers, and ended up boxing the strongly-typed input as an implementation detail. This PR fixes that by adding a strongly-typed internal helper, and it tweaks what existing methods these generic methods delegate to so as to use ones that can operate faster given the strongly-typed nature of the generic methods. The net result is some nice wins. Another very common operation in many apps is DateTime.
UtcNow and DateTimeOffset. Those changes impacted all operating systems. But the biggest impact came from negating the regressions incurred when leap seconds support was added in. When this support was added to.
Thankfully, in. Other small but valuable changes have gone into various primitives. ISpanFormattable is already recognized by various string formatting implementations, including that used by string. Format ; you can see the impact of these interface implementations with a little benchmark, which gets better on. For many apps and services, creating and manipulating arrays, strings, and spans represent a significant portion of their processing, and lot of effort goes into finding ways to continually drive down the costs of these operations.
NET 6 is no exception. The current Array. Clear signature accepts the Array to clear, the starting position, and the number of elements to clear. However, if you look at usage, the vast majority use case is with code like Array. Clear array, 0, array. Length … in other words, clearing the whole array.
Fill as the underlying implementation for Array. Interestingly, Array. Arrays of reference types in. NET are covariant, meaning given a reference type B that derives from A , you can write code like:.
ArrayTypeMismatchException: Attempted to access an element as a type incompatible with the array. This also incurs measurable overhead every time an element is stored into an array of most reference types. The check, which is removed entirely by the JIT for value types and which is optimized heavily by the JIT for reference types, validates that the T specified matches the concrete type of the array. As an example, if you write this code:. Why is this relevant to Array. If Array. Instead, Array.
Shuffle to optimize the implementation of the internal HexConverter. EncodeToUtf16 which is used in a few places, including the public Convert. ToHexString :. Replace String, String.
The history of the personal computer as a mass-market consumer electronic device began with the microcomputer revolution of the s. A personal computer is one intended for interactive individual use, as opposed to a mainframe computer where the end user’s requests are filtered through operating staff, or a time-sharing system in which one large processor is shared by many individuals.
After the development of the microprocessor , individual personal computers were low enough in cost that they eventually became affordable consumer goods. Early personal computers — generally called microcomputers — were sold often in electronic kit form and in limited numbers, and were of interest mostly to hobbyists and technicians. Mauchly ‘s vision of future computing as detailed at a recent meeting of the Institute of Industrial Engineers.
In , a manufacturer took the risk of referring to their product this way, when Hewlett-Packard advertised their “Powerful Computing Genie” as “The New Hewlett-Packard A personal computer”.
Over the next seven years, the phrase had gained enough recognition that Byte magazine referred to its readers in its first edition as “[in] the personal computing field”, [5] and Creative Computing defined the personal computer as a “non- time shared system containing sufficient processing power and storage capabilities to satisfy the needs of an individual user.
By , over half a million microcomputers were sold and the youth of the day had a new concept of the personal computer. The history of the personal computer as mass-market consumer electronic devices effectively began in with the introduction of microcomputers, although some mainframe and minicomputers had been applied as single-user systems much earlier.
A personal computer is one intended for interactive individual use, as opposed to a mainframe computer where the end user’s requests are filtered through operating staff, or a time sharing system in which one large processor is shared by many individuals. After the development of the microprocessor, individual personal computers were low enough in cost that they eventually became affordable consumer goods. Computer terminals were used for time sharing access to central computers.
Before the introduction of the microprocessor in the early s, computers were generally large, costly systems owned by large corporations, universities, government agencies, and similar-sized institutions. End users generally did not directly interact with the machine, but instead would prepare tasks for the computer on off-line equipment, such as card punches.
A number of assignments for the computer would be gathered up and processed in batch mode. After the job had completed, users could collect the results. In some cases, it could take hours or days between submitting a job to the computing center and receiving the output. A more interactive form of computer use developed commercially by the middle s. In a time-sharing system, multiple computer terminals let many people share the use of one mainframe computer processor.
This was common in business applications and in science and engineering. A different model of computer use was foreshadowed by the way in which early, pre-commercial, experimental computers were used, where one user had exclusive use of a processor.
By today’s standards, they were very large about the size of a refrigerator and cost prohibitive typically tens of thousands of US dollars. However, they were much smaller, less expensive, and generally simpler to operate than many of the mainframe computers of the time.
Therefore, they were accessible for individual laboratories and research projects. Minicomputers largely freed these organizations from the batch processing and bureaucracy of a commercial or university computing center. In addition, minicomputers were relatively interactive and soon had their own operating systems. The minicomputer Xerox Alto was a landmark step in the development of personal computers because of its graphical user interface , bit-mapped high resolution screen, large internal and external memory storage, mouse , and special software.
In , Vannevar Bush published an essay called ” As We May Think ” in which he outlined a possible solution to the growing problem of information storage and retrieval.
In , SRI researcher Douglas Engelbart gave what was later called The Mother of All Demos , in which he offered a preview of things that have become the staples of daily working life in the 21st century: e-mail , hypertext , word processing , video conferencing , and the mouse.
The demo was the culmination of research in Engelbart’s Augmentation Research Center laboratory, which concentrated on applying computer technology to facilitate creative human thought.
The minicomputer ancestors of the modern personal computer used early integrated circuit microchip technology, which reduced size and cost, but they contained no microprocessor.
This meant that they were still large and difficult to manufacture just like their mainframe predecessors. After the “computer-on-a-chip” was commercialized, the cost to manufacture a computer system dropped dramatically. The arithmetic, logic, and control functions that previously occupied several costly circuit boards were now available in one integrated circuit, making it possible to produce them in high volume.
Concurrently, advances in the development of solid state memory eliminated the bulky, costly, and power-hungry magnetic core memory used in prior generations of computers.
The single-chip microprocessor was made possible by an improvement in MOS technology, the silicon-gate MOS chip, developed in by Federico Faggin , who later used silicon-gate MOS technology to develop the first single-chip microprocessor, the Intel , in A few researchers at places such as SRI and Xerox PARC were working on computers that a single person could use and that could be connected by fast, versatile networks: not home computers, but personal ones. By this time a number of other machines had entered the market.
After the introduction of the Intel in , microprocessor costs declined rapidly. In the American electronics magazine Radio-Electronics described the Mark-8 computer kit, based on the Intel processor. In January of the following year, Popular Electronics magazine published an article describing a kit based on the Intel , a somewhat more powerful and easier to use processor.
The Altair sold remarkably well even though initial memory size was limited to a few hundred bytes and there was no software available. However, the Altair kit was much less costly than an Intel development system of the time and so was purchased by companies interested in developing microprocessor control for their own products.
Expansion memory boards and peripherals were soon listed by the original manufacturer, and later by plug compatible manufacturers. The very first Microsoft product was a 4 kilobyte paper tape BASIC interpreter, which allowed users to develop programs in a higher-level language. The alternative was to hand-assemble machine code that could be directly loaded into the microcomputer’s memory using a front panel of toggle switches, pushbuttons and LED displays. The “brain” [computer] may one day come down to our level [of the common people] and help with our income-tax and book-keeping calculations.
But this is speculation and there is no sign of it so far. Simon [15] was a project developed by Edmund Berkeley and presented in a thirteen articles series issued in Radio-Electronics magazine, from October Although there were far more advanced machines at the time of its construction, the Simon represented the first experience of building an automatic simple digital computer , for educational purposes.
In fact, its ALU had only 2 bits, and the total memory was 12 bits 2bits x6. Although it was faulted for its speed, the IBM handled floating-point arithmetic naturally. The Elea is one of a series of mainframe computers Olivetti developed starting in the late s. The first prototype was created in The system, made entirely with transistors for high performance, was conceived, designed and developed by a small group of researchers led by Mario Tchou — It was the first solid-state computer designed it was fully manufactured in Italy.
The knowledge obtained was applied a few years later in the development of the successful Programma electronic calculator. Designed in , the LINC was an early laboratory computer especially designed for interactive use with laboratory instruments. Some of the early LINC computers were assembled from kits of parts by the end users. First produced in , the Programma was one of the first printing programmable calculators.
It was targeted to offices and scientific entities for their daily work because of its high computing capabilities in a small space with a relatively low cost; NASA was amongst its first owners. Released in June , the programmable terminal called the Datapoint is among the earliest known devices that bears significant resemblance to the modern personal computer, with a CRT screen, keyboard, programmability, and program storage. The system’s CPU was constructed from roughly a hundred mostly TTL logic components, which are groups of gates, latches, counters, etc.
The company had commissioned Intel , and also Texas Instruments , to develop a single-chip CPU with that same functionality. Texas Instruments designed a chip rather quickly, based on Intel’s early drawings. But their attempt had several bugs and so did not work very well. Intel’s version was delayed and both were a little too slow for CTC’s needs. A deal was made that in return for not charging CTC for the development work, Intel could instead sell the processor as their own product, along with the supporting ICs they had developed.
The first customer was Seiko, which approached Intel early on with this idea, based on what they had seen Busicom do with the This became the Intel Although it required several additional ICs, it is generally known as the first 8-bit microprocessor.
Although the design of the Datapoint ‘s TTL based bit serial CPU and the Intel were technically very different, they were largely software-compatible. From a software perspective, the Datapoint therefore functioned as if it were using an The Kenbak-1, released in early , is considered by the Computer History Museum to be the world’s first personal computer. It was designed and invented by John Blankenbaker of Kenbak Corporation in , and was first sold in early Unlike a modern personal computer, the Kenbak-1 was built of small-scale integrated circuits , and did not use a microprocessor.
Only around 40 machines were ever built and sold. In , production of the Kenbak-1 stopped as Kenbak Corporation folded. With only bytes of memory, an 8-bit word size, input and output restricted to lights and switches, and no apparent way to extend its power, the Kenbak-1 was most useful for learning the principles of programming but not capable of running application programs.
The differentiating factor might have been the extensibility of the Altair, without which it was practically useless. The French company R2E was formed by two former engineers of the Intertechnique company to sell their Intel -based microcomputer design. The system was developed at the Institut national de la recherche agronomique to automate hygrometric measurements. A bus, called Pluribus, was introduced that allowed connection of up to 14 boards.
The Micral operating system was initially called Sysmic, and was later renamed Prologue. R2E was absorbed by Groupe Bull in Although Groupe Bull continued the production of Micral computers, it was not interested in the personal computer market, and Micral computers were mostly confined to highway toll gates where they remained in service until and similar niche markets. It was the first example of what would today be recognized as a complete personal computer.
Drawing upon its predecessor, the Xerox Alto, it was the first commercial system to incorporate various technologies that today have become commonplace in personal computers, including a bit-mapped display, a windows-based graphical user interface , icons , folders, mouse , Ethernet networking, file servers , print servers and e-mail.
In a team led by Dr. The was withdrawn in March When the PC was introduced in , it was originally designated as the IBM , putting it in the “” series, though its architecture wasn’t directly descended from the IBM Development of the single-chip microprocessor was the gateway to the popularization of cheap, easy to use, and truly personal computers.
It was only a matter of time before one such design was able to hit a sweet spot in terms of pricing and performance, and that machine is generally considered to be the Altair , from MITS , a small company that produced electronics kits for hobbyists. The Altair was introduced in a Popular Electronics magazine article in the January issue. In keeping with MITS’s earlier projects, the Altair was sold in kit form, although a relatively complex one consisting of four circuit boards and many parts.
Unable to keep up with demand, MITS sold the design after about 10, kits had shipped. The introduction of the Altair spawned an entire industry based on the basic layout and internal design.
New companies like Cromemco started up to supply add-on kits, while Microsoft was founded to supply a BASIC interpreter for the systems.
Soon after, a number of complete “clone” designs, typified by the IMSAI , appeared on the market.
SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Launched in , SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantially among organizations. TYPO3 is a free and open source web content management system written. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow replace.me more. Fixed an issue where Microsoft Office files might not be renamed in Windows File Explorer through SMB protocol. Fixed an issue where the HASP package might not be usable after upgrading to DSM and DSM Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA). Import the following four (4) database tables from your Assignment 1 Microsoft Access // Database File and into Microsoft Excel // (tblCustomers, tblItems, tblSuppliers, tblOrders). The easiest and quickest way to import data from Access // into Excel // is by using the “Import From Access. 早熟かどうか確認するには身長の成長曲線を描くのが一番早いです。 学校からのデータで身長の経年変化図を書いている人は多いと思います。 しかし、身長の推移だけでは早熟なのか分かりにくいです。 1年間に成長した量を図に書くと第二次性徴期(思春期)が分かりやすいです。.
Etymology. An early use of the term “personal computer” appeared in a 3 November , New York Times article reporting John W. Mauchly’s vision of future computing as detailed at a recent meeting of the Institute of Industrial replace.mey. stated, “There is no reason to suppose the average boy or girl cannot be master of a personal computer”.. In , a manufacturer . We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow replace.me more. Fixed an issue where Microsoft Office files might not be renamed in Windows File Explorer through SMB protocol. Fixed an issue where the HASP package might not be usable after upgrading to DSM and DSM Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA).
ToBase64Transform uses Base EncodeToUtf8 , which is vectorized for fast processing, but three input bytes per call is too small to take advantage of the vectorized code paths, which ended up making ToBase64Transform quite slow.
Even as CryptoStream improves in. I previously mentioned improvements to System. Random in. If you need cryptographically-secure randomness, System. RandomNumberGenerator is your friend. However, the Old case here is already improved on. NET 6 than on previous releases. The RfcDeriveBytes class enables code to derive bytes from passwords, and historically this has been done by instantiating an instance of this class and calling GetBytes.
NET over the last several years to improve its performance. Many of these changes on their own have a profound and very measurable impact to some scenario. Sometimes these changes make one specific change in one place e. NET to get better and better.
There are dozens of such changes in. Why does that matter? One reason sealing helps is that virtual methods on a sealed type are more likely to be devirtualized by the runtime. If the runtime can see that a given instance on which a virtual call is being made is actually sealed, then it knows for certain what the actual target of the call will be, and it can invoke that target directly rather than doing a virtual dispatch operation.
Note the code gen difference. BenchmarkDotNet actually issues a warning a good warning in this case about the resulting metrics as a result:. In order to measure the cost of a benchmark, it not only times how long it takes to invoke the benchmark but also how long it takes to invoke an empty benchmark with a similar signature, with the results presented subtracting the latter from the former. BenchmarkDotNet is then highlighting that with the method just returning a constant, the benchmark and the empty method are now indistinguishable.
Another benefit of sealing is that it can make type checks a lot faster. When you write code like obj is SomeType , there are multiple ways that could be emitted in assembly. We can see this in a benchmark:. Yet another benefit here comes when using arrays of types. As has been mentioned, arrays in. NET are covariant, which means if you have a type B that derives from type A , and you have an array of B s, you can store that B[] into a reference of type A[].
That, however, means the runtime needs to ensure that any A stored into an A[] is of an appropriate type for the actual array being referenced, e. How could it know that? For one thing, if T is sealed. So given a benchmark like:. Beyond arrays, this is also relevant to spans. You get where this is going. A very microbenchmark:. The System. BinaryPrimitives class was introduced in. Ahhh, so much nicer. TryParse call sites to explicitly use CultureInfo. InvariantCulture instead of null.
Passing in null will cause the implementation to access CultureInfo. CurrentCulture , which incurs a thread-local storage access, but all of the changed call sites use NumberStyles.
None or NumberStyles. Corresponding functionality on Utf8Parser also improved. Whereas a method like Int TryParse parses data from a sequence of char s e. TryParse parses data from a sequence of byte s e. This is another good example of an optimization tradeoff: the tweaks employed here benefit most values but end up slightly penalizing extreme values.
Previously that code was:. Concat on the resulting strings. Create overload that works with interpolated strings and enables doing the interpolation using stack-allocated buffer space.
Also note the lack of the CultureInfo. Another pattern of cleanup in those PRs was avoiding creating strings in places spans would suffice.
For example, this code from Microsoft. Another pattern is using something other than string. Format when the power of string. Format is unwarranted. For example, this code existed in Microsoft. This is forcing the system to parse the composite format string and incur all the associated overhead, when at the end of the day this can be a simple concat operation, which the C compiler will employ for an interpolated string when all the parts are strings and there are sufficiently few to enable using one of the non-params-array string.
Concat overloads:. NET 6 also continues the trend of exposing more span-based APIs for things that would otherwise result in creating strings or arrays. Then there are the plethora of changes that remove an array or boxing allocation here, an unnecessary LINQ query there, and so on. For example:. Json was introduced in. NET 5 delivered an enhanced version of the library, providing new APIs and even better performance , and.
NET 6 continues that trend. There have been multiple PRs in. NET 6 to improve the performance of different aspects of System. But arguably the biggest performance improvement in System. Json in. NET 6 comes from source generation. It retrieves that data via reflection, examining for example what properties are exposed on a type and whether there are any customization attributes applied.
That cached information may include, for example, delegates used to access the properties on an instance in order to retrieve the data that needs to be serialized. Depending on how the JsonSerializer is configured, that delegate might use reflection to invoke the property, or if the system permits it, it might point to specialized code emitted via reflection emit.
Unfortunately, both of those techniques have potential downsides. Gathering all of this data, and potentially doing this reflection emit work, at run-time has a cost, and it can measurably impact both the startup performance and the working set of an application. It also leads to increased size, as all of the code necessary to enable this including support for reflection emit itself needs to be kept around just in case the serializer needs it.
The new System. Json source generator introduced in. NET 6 addresses this. Generating source during a build is nothing new; these techniques have been used in and out of the. NET ecosystem for decades. What is new, however, is the C compiler making the capability a first-class feature, and core libraries in. NET taking advantage of it. This makes it very attractive for doing certain operations at compile-time that code may have been doing previously via reflection and reflection emit at run-time… like analyzing types as part of a serializer in order to generate fast member accessors.
SourceGeneration component, included as part of the. I create a new app, and I can see in Visual Studio the generator is automatically included:. BlogPost argument to JsonSerializer. Those files essentially contain all of the glue code reflection and reflection emit would have generated, including lines like:. As long as the source generator is spitting out all this code for doing at compile-time what was previously done at run-time, it can take things a step further.
The generated code contains this method on the MyJsonContext class:. Looks familiar. The impact of these improvements can be quite meaningful. It updates the ASP. Previously, a significant portion of the time in that benchmark was being spent doing JSON serialization using JsonSerializer , making it a prime candidate. The blog post Try the new System. Json source generator provides a lot more detail and background.
One of the really neat projects worked on during. NET 6 is another source generator, this time one related to interop. Since the beginning of. However, not all [DllImport] s are created equally. For example, if you write:. To do so, the runtime effectively needs to translate that [DllImport] into something like:. Doing that at run-time has multiple downsides, including the startup impact on having to do this code generation on first use. So, for. NET 7 we plan to enable a source generator to do it, and the groundwork has been laid in.
NET 6 by building out a prototype. NET 6, as part of that prototype various investments were made that will ship in. NET 6, such as changing [DllImport] s that could easily be made blittable to be so. Brotli library to be blittable. For example, this method:. Instead, it can be defined as:.
Compression to be blittable. Cryptography , System. Diagnostics , System. MemoryMappedFiles , and elsewhere to be blittable, as well. NET 6 is via the use of function pointers to simplify and streamline interop. Both the Unix and Windows implementations of this type need to hand off to native code a callback to be invoked when a signal is received.
Instead, we can declare the [DllImport] as:. This ends up being simpler and more efficient, and multiple PRs in. NET 6 converted delegate-based interop to function pointer-based interop. Drawing as part of a larger effort to migrate System. Drawing to use System. Beyond these cross-cutting changes, there was also more traditional optimization investment in interop.
NET developers could use effectively as the equivalent of malloc and free , in situations where natively allocated memory was preferable to allocation controlled by the GC. In doing so, a fair amount of overhead was removed, in particular on Unix where a layer of wrappers was removed, as is evident from this benchmark run on Ubuntu:. In a similar area, the new System. Now, the implementation is simply:. CreateReadOnlySpanFromNullTerminated employs a vectorized search for the null terminator, making it typically much faster than the open-coded manual loop.
NET has multiple tracing implementations, with EventSource at the heart of those used in the most performance-sensitive systems. Runtime” event source, and many other components up and down the stack do the same with their own. Even just within the core libraries, among others you can find the “System. Metrics” event source, which is intended to enable out-of-process tools to do ad-hoc monitoring of the new OpenTelemtry Metrics APIs ; the “System.
Http” event source that exposes information such as when requests start and complete; the “System. NameResolution” event source that exposes information such as the number of DNS lookups that have been performed; the “System. Security” event source that exposes data about TLS handshakes; the “System. Sockets” event source that enables monitoring of connections being made and data being transferred; and the “System.
ArrayPoolEventSource” event source that gives a window into arrays being rented and returned and dropped and trimmed. This level of usage demands the system to be as efficient as possible. EventSource -derived types use overloads of EventSource. WriteEvent or EventSource. WriteEventCore to do the core of their logging.
There are then multiple ways that data from an EventSource can be consumed. One way is via ETW Event Tracing for Windows , through which another process can request an EventSource start tracing and the relevant data will be written by the operating system to a log for subsequent analysis with a tool like Visual Studio, PerfView, or Windows Performance Analyzer.
Another increasingly common way EventSource data can be consumed is via EventPipe , which provides a cross-platform mechanism for serializing EventSource data either to a. Another way EventSource data can be consumed is in-process via a custom EventListener. Code can derive from EventListener and override a few methods to say what EventSource should be subscribed to and what should be done with the data.
The other mechanisms for consuming events are more efficient, but being able to write a custom EventListener like this is very flexible and allows for a myriad of interesting uses, so we still want to drive down the overhead associated with all of these callbacks.
GetTypeCode to quickly jump to the handling code for the relevant primitive rather than a large cascade of if s; reducing the size of EventWrittenEventArgs in the common case by pushing off lesser-used fields to a contingently-allocated class; and so on. This benchmark shows an example impact of those changes. There are many things that impact how long it takes an application to start up. Code generation plays a large role, which is why.
NET host. Fundamentally, the. NET, that are used as part of the dotnet tool and as part of building and publishing an app when you build a. NET console app, for example, the.
What that host does or does not do can have a significant impact on the startup performance of the app, and investments were made in. NET 6 to reduce these hosting overheads.
NET 5 and one targeting. Of late, however, another metric has been getting a lot of attention: size, and in particular size-on-disk for a self-contained, trimmed application. NET application, inclusive of the runtime, is downloaded to and executed in a browser. Some amount of work went into. NET 5 to reduce size, but a lot of work has gone into. A large percentage of the work in. It works, nice. Now, I can publish it, which will create and trim the whole application, and produce all the relevant assets ready for pushing to my server; that includes Brotli-compressing all the required components.
Except now when I sum up the relevant. Just by upgrading from. NET 6 gains lots of additional code. A lot of PRs contributed here, as most changes shave off a few bytes here and a few bytes there. Here are some example changes that were made in the name of size, as they can help to highlight the kinds of changes applications and libraries in general can make to help reduce their footprint:. The runtime itself is contained in the dotnet. See those two extra emcc -related lines.
If I now re-measure the size of the relevant. We can go further, though. These are feature switches, and serve two purposes. First, they can be queried by code in the app and, in particular, in the core libraries to determine what functionality to employ.
Second, the switch informs the trimmer that it can substitute in a fixed value for the property associated with the switch, e. Invariant property to be hardcoded to return true , at which point it can then use that to prune away any visibly unreachable code paths.
That means in an example like the code snippet above, the trimmer can elide the entire else block, and if that ends up meaning additional types and members become unused, they can be removed, as well. With those switches set, we can re-publish after deleting the old publish directory. Two things I immediately notice. And second, all of the. Does it run efficiently? The dotnet. NET runtime used to execute these applications.
The runtime is itself compiled to WASM, downloaded to the browser, and used to execute the application and library code on which the app depends. NET 6, all of the. NET core libraries for all of the. Blazor WebAssembly, however, relies on mono, which has been honed over the years to be small and agile for these kinds of scenarios, and has also received a lot of performance investment in. There are three significant areas of investment here. The first is around improvements to the IL interpreter in mono.
Mono not only has a JIT capable of on-demand assembly generation ala coreclr, it also supports interpreting IL, which is valuable on platforms that for security reasons prohibit executing machine assembly code generated on the fly.
The second area of investment was around hardware intrinsics. Of course, something needs to be able to translate the C methods into the underlying instructions they represent, which means a lot of work to fully enable every code generator. Many of the library performance improvements highlighted in previous blog posts rely on the throughput improvements from vectorization, which then accrue here as well, which includes when building Blazor WASM apps with AOT. NET 5 were interpreted, meaning while the runtime itself was compiled to WASM, the runtime then turned around and interpreted the IL for the app and the libraries it depends on.
Now with. All of these improvements together lead to huge, cross-cutting performance improvements for Blazor WASM apps when targeting. NET 6 instead of. NET 6 is exactly the same, and is implemented in C , making it a reasonable test case. To install it, run:. I get resulting numbers like this:.
Now I can do the exact same thing on. NET 6 with the app6 project:. I modify the app6. Then I republish and get a cup of coffee… the AOT step adds some time to the build process. With that, I now get results like this:.
Of course not! So much goodness already merged and so much more on the way. Please download. NET 6 and give it a spin. If you do, tell us. Comments are closed. How long does it take you to write these blog posts? Thanks for the great overview! Yes, it is obviously a labor of love, but one that takes up pages.
Game, web, desktop-app, mobile-app code would be much faster, use less power and start faster. Yet the obsession with a JIT continues to plague C moving past its legacy inclinations for use. A JIT should have been a special use case not the default crutch things are designed around. It was foolish to spend years and a lot of man-hours on all these optimizations in. Net 5 and. Net 6, while AOT would solve most of the performance problems. These posts are a major highlight of every.
NET release for me. Thanks again! Very glad you liked it and look forward to it. And thanks for pointing out my typo: fixed.
Honestly, this is a lot of work indeed! NET 6 to this level. Blogs about performance optimizations are always interesting to read. You learn a lot along the way. It will take 5 days for me to read the entire blog and understand it I will make sure I will read it to keep myself motivated to adopt.
Next time pl make sure you present the blog in 3 parts to keep the reader engaged with the content. Great summary Stapen!! NET 6 and I really appreciate this but I also would like to read some distillated stuff that will guide us how to improve our code or stop doing some things basing on changes in.
NET — for example you mentioned about rule to use sealed in non public classes. Thanks, and thanks for the feedback. I remember when I finished both the. The windows x64 ABI requires that non-leaf methods allocate 32 bytes on the stack frame for use by callees, and the stack pointer has to remain 16 byte aligned outside the prolog.
We have 8 bytes on the stack from the call pushing the return address, so we need to allocate 40 bytes more to keep everything in sync with the ABI requirements. Amazing — what an incredible amount of effort has gone into this release. Thank you so much to everyone involved! The latest benchmarks have C and Java neck and neck with one C version using unsafe code edging ahead!
Any final optimisations planned that might make a difference to the race? The idea is to implement a prime sieve in many different languages to showcase performance differences but also highlight languages features and styling differences. These perf write-ups are a treat.
You do always have! Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into these. NET Meetup Events. Web apps with ASP. NET Core. Mobile apps with Xamarin. Microservices with Docker Containers. Modernizing existing. NET apps to the cloud. Performance Improvements in. Read next Understanding the cost of C delegates Delegates are widely used in C and. NET, in general , but it’s not always obvious to the developer what code they write ends up generating. In this post, I’ll show the various forms to make you aware of their costs.
Paulo Morgado August 18, David Fowler August 23, Glad you liked it. It is indeed a labor of love. Yes agreed, just logged in to say thanks for the efforts…. As such, it needs an abstract and a summary to be effective.
Lots of improvements that will reflect on faster, more reliable and more efficient apps! Great work! Thanks, and thanks for your contributions.
Typos fixed. And yes, again a favorite read! Years and years and years of waiting for AOT compiler for dotnet.. And still nothing.. This is not a great comment.
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It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. It is released under the free, open source MIT License. No Laravel Laravel is a free, open source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model-view-controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony. Other than a few native libraries, everything is Java source that can be built on any supported platform with the included GWT Ant build files.
No Express. It is designed for building web applications and APIs. It has been called the de facto standard server framework for Node. No Backbone. Backbone is known for being lightweight, as its only hard dependency is on one JavaScript library, Underscore.
No AngularJS AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open source front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.
It is a language which is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm. Yes Django Django is a free and open source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-template MVT architectural pattern. Yes Node. Yes Citrix Citrix Systems, Inc. Yes CGI Common Gateway Interface CGI offers a standard protocol for web servers to interface with executable programs running on a server that generate web pages dynamically. Yes Proxy Servers A proxy server is a server a computer system or an application that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.
Yes Cisco Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes PHP PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but is also used as a general-purpose programming language. Yes Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows or simply Windows is a meta-family of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. Yes ASP. NET is an open source server-side web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages.
System Name Description Other Web Server Web Servers that are not covered by any of the specific server technologies System Independent Used to denote signatures that apply to any server technology Various Systems Server-side systems not covered by any of the existing server technologies or the other systems here Generic Database Database systems that are not covered by any of the specific server technologies.
Declarative Name Description android The native Android browser. When the high threshold is exceeded the system enters failure mode until memory drops below the low threshold. Setting the value of disables this feature. Note : The system does not enter failure mode during policy compilation after reload even if the threshold is exceeded.
There are two values: pass : Pass the request without App Protect Enforcer inspection, a. The string should contain only alphanumeric characters and be no longer than characters. No response page is returned, a. Multiple instances of this directive are supported.
In order to import multiple signatures files, each file must have a different tag. The time unit is seconds. Directive Name Syntax Functionality nginx.
Blocks modified requests. Determined per signature set. Would trigger Violation Rating of 5. An old timestamp indicates that a client session has expired. Blocks expired requests. The timestamp is extracted and validated against the current time. If the timestamp is expired and it is not an entry point, the system issues the Expired Timestamp violation. Determined by policy setting which is disabled in default template.
A space in the cookie name. A carriage return hexadecimal value of 0xd in the cookie name. Controlled by the DG enable flag which is disabled in default template. Only for disallowed file types. This violation is generated when a gRPC request does not meet restrictive conditions in the gRPC Content Profile, such as the message length or existence of unknown fields. Enforces parsable gRPC requests. The violation is triggered if the method does not appear there.
Controlled from the default JSON profile. Enforces parsable JSON requests. Enforces proper JSON requests defined by the schema. The data types that this violation applies to are integer, email, and phone. If a multipart parameter with binary content type contains NULL in its value, the enforcer issues this violation. The exceptions to this are: If that parameter is configured in the policy as Ignore value. If that parameter is configured in the security policy as user-input file-upload.
Prevents static parameter change. Parameters can be defined on each of the following levels: file type, URL, and flow. Each parameter can be one of the following types: explicit or wildcard.
If the value is indeed Base64, the system decodes this value and continues with its security checks. Enforces proper input values. Prevents HTTP requests which do not comply with a defined pattern. This check is disabled by default. Actual size is 2 KB. Enforces a desired set of acceptable characters. Enforces proper XML requests. Indicates an HTTP response splitting attack. This sub-violation is issued when a request has empty or no body at all.
Header name with no header value Disabled App Protect The system checks for a header name without a header value. Check maximum number of parameters Enabled App Protect The system compares the number of parameters in the request to the maximum configured number of parameters.
When enabled, the default value for number of maximum number of parameters is Check maximum number of headers Enabled App Protect The system compares the request headers to the maximal configured number of headers.
Such spaces split URLs introducing ambiguity on picking the actual one. If they do not, the system issues a violation. Bad multipart parameters parsing Enabled App Protect The system checks the following: A boundary follows immediately after request headers. A chunked body contains at least one CRLF. A chunked body ends with CRLF. Final boundary was found on multipart request. There is no payload after final boundary.
If one of these is false, the system issues a violation. Check maximum number of cookies Disabled App Protect The system compares the request cookies to the maximal configured number of cookies. When enabled, the default value for number of maximum cookies if unmodified is The system performs this action on URI and parameter input to evaluate if the request contains an attack. Directory traversals Enabled Ensures that directory traversal commands like.. While requests generated by a browser should not contain directory traversal instructions, sometimes requests generated by JavaScript have them.
The system performs this action on URI and parameter input. Multiple decoding Enabled: 3 The system decodes URI and parameter values multiple times according to the number specified before the request is considered an evasion. Brute Force Attack Brute-force attacks are mainly used for guessing passwords and bypassing access control of an application by executing many different attempts.
Buffer Overflow Buffer Overflow could be triggered when data written to memory exceeds the allocated size of the buffer for that data.
This could lead to the Denial of Service or arbitrary code execution. Cache Poisoning Cache poisoning is an attack against the integrity of an intermediate Web cache repository, in which genuine content cached for an arbitrary URL is replaced with spoofed content. Command Execution Web applications can be tricked to execute operating system commands, injected from a remote machine, if user supplied input is not properly checked by the web application.
Denial of Service A denial-of-service DoS attack represents a family of attacks aimed to exhaust the application server resources up to a point that the application cannot respond to legitimate traffic, either because it has crashed, or because its slow response renders it effectively unavailable. Detection Evasion An attempt is made to evade detection of the attack on a web server, by obfuscating the attack using various methods such as encodings and path manipulation.
Directory Indexing This is a directory listing attempt which can lead to information disclosure and possible exposure of sensitive system information. Directory Indexing attacks usually target web servers that are not correctly configured, or which have a vulnerable component that allows Directory Indexing. Forceful Browsing This attack occurs when an attacker is directly accessing a URL, which could grant access to a restricted part of the web site.
This can lead to XSS, and cache poisoning. Information Leakage Sensitive information may be present within HTML comments, error messages, source code, or simply left in files which are accessible by remote clients.
In addition, attackers can manipulate the application to reveal classified information like credit card numbers. This can lead to the disclosure of sensitive system information which may be used by an attacker to further compromise the system. Injection Attempt This is an attack where an attacker injects OS commands, active script commands in JavaScript or any other scripting language or SQL commands into various parts of an HTTP request, in order for the injected content to run on remote systems.
Insecure Deserialization This is an attack against an application that receives serialized objects. Insecure File Upload Many applications allow uploading files to the server, such as images or documents. Successful exploitation results in information gathering, system integrity compromise, and possible modification of the LDAP tree.
Malicious File Upload Malicious file upload occurs when a user tries to upload a malicious file to the web application. Non-browser Client An attempt is made by a non-browser client to explore the site. NoSQL Injection NoSQL databases are non-relational databases, and even though they do not use the SQL syntax, non-sanitized input might let attackers control the original query via a database specific programming language.
Other Application Activity This attack does not belong to any specific attack category; however, it is a violation of the user-defined security policy. Other Application Attacks This is an attack which targets the web application and does not fall in any predefined category. Parameter Tampering By changing certain parameters in a URL or web page form, attackers can successfully attack the web application business logic.
Path Traversal Path traversal can be used to bypass the web server root and request various files, including system files or private directories and resources. This attack can lead to information disclosure, and possible exposure of sensitive system information. Predictable Resource Location By making educated guesses, the attacker could discover hidden web site content and functionality, such as configuration, temporary, backup, or sample files. This can lead to the disclosure of sensitive system information which may be used by an attacker to compromise the system.
Remote File Include Remote File Inclusion attacks allow attackers to run arbitrary code on a vulnerable website. Server Side Code Injection An attacker can submit server-side code by invalidated input.
The web server, when parsing malicious input, may execute operating system commands or access restricted files. An attacker could provide special URLs to read or update internal resources such as localhost services, cloud metadata servers, internal network web applications or HTTP enabled databases.
Server-Side Template Injection Some applications use server-side templates for better modularity. This attack occurs when a non-sanitized input containing template directives is embedded into a server-side template which then leads to execution of the injected code when rendered.
Session Hijacking An attacker can steal a valid web session from legitimate users in order to gain unauthorized access. This attack allows remote attackers to run SQL statements on the internal database. Vulnerability Scan An attempt is made using an automatic tool to scan a web server, or an application running on a web server, for a possible vulnerability.
WebSocket Parser Attack WebSocket parser attack targets the functionality of the WebSocket parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally.
This attack occurs when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is processed by a weakly configured XML parser. XPath Injection XPath-Injection occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input but places it directly into the XML document query.
Successful exploitation results in information gathering and system integrity compromise. Default ‘json’ Supported formats: ‘json’ –keep-full-configuration By default the exported policy will only contain elements that are valid for the environment in which this tool is run. If full-export is enabled then all policy elements are included in the export file.
When this option is selected, no warnings are generated when removing unsupported elements from the exported policy.
Optionally, using –help will issue this help message. If no tag is specified in the XML file, a default tag of ‘user-defined-signatures’ will be assigned. Default ‘json’ Supported formats: ‘json’ Optionally, using –help will issue this help message. Available fields: name,signatureId,signatureType,attackType,accuracy,tag,risk,systems,hasCve,references,isUserDefined,description,lastUpdateMicros Optionally, using –help will issue this help message.
See details below. The supported destinations options are stderr , or an absolute path to a local file, or syslog server as localhost, hostname, IP address or FQDN with an optional port.
Enumerated values: all: all requests, both legal and illegal. String representing the template of the message with placeholders for the message attributes. The currently available security log attributes are specified below in the Available Security Log Attributes section.
Integer representing bytes in the range of , or any. The type is string in terms of JSON schema, to accommodate the any option. No any Relevant only if the request field is present in the log. There are two subfields to configure: from: defines the character to be replaced. See Blocking Observability for more information. If the request contains binary content or uses text encoding that the log destination does not support, then this field may not be rendered correctly.
Suitable for binary content. The possible values are: blocked: The request was blocked due to a violation encountered. A blocking response page was returned to the client.
It is a static value coming from the Violations. It contains the line number of the containing server block in nginx. This option is commonly used when proxies are involved to track the originator of the request. Attack signature set A collection of attack signatures designed for a specific purpose such as Apache.
For example, the string googlebot inside the User-Agent header will be classified as trusted bot , and the string Bichoo Spider will be classified as malicious bot. Block To prevent a request from reaching a protected web application. Blocking response page A blocking response page is displayed to a client when a request from that client has been blocked. Also called blocking page and response page. Enforcement mode Security policies can be in one of two enforcement modes: Transparent mode In Transparent mode, Blocking is disabled for the security policy.
Traffic is not blocked even if a violation is triggered with block flag enabled. You can use this mode when you first put a security policy into effect to make sure that no false positives occur that would stop legitimate traffic. Blocking mode In Blocking mode, Blocking is enabled for the security policy, and you can enable or disable the Block setting for individual violations.
Traffic is blocked when a violation occurs if you configure the system to block that type of violation. You can use this mode when you are ready to enforce the security policy.
You can change the enforcement mode for a security policy in the security policy JSON file. Also refers to elements of a security policy for which enforcement can be turned on or off, such as an attack signature. File types Examples of file types are. They are the extensions for many objects that make up a web application.
Illegal request A request which violates a security policy Legal request A request which has not violated the security policy. The term also applies to attack signatures, which can be manually disabled — effectively removing the signature from triggering any violations. Violation Violations occur when some aspect of a request or response does not comply with the security policy. You can configure the blocking settings for any violation in a security policy.
When a violation occurs, the system can Alarm or Block a request blocking is only available when the enforcement mode is set to Blocking. Default policy covers all the OWASP top 10 attack patterns enabling signature sets detailed in a section below. These are patterns that detect all the known attack campaigns.
All evasion techniques are enabled by default and each can be disabled. Support any file type. By default all cookies are allowed and not enforced for integrity. JSON content profile detects malformed content and detects signatures and metacharacters in the property values.
XML content profile detects malformed content and detects signatures in the element values. By default block requests that are declared as threats, that is, their Violation Rating is 4 or 5. Illegal status code in the range of 4xx and 5xx. The user can customize all blocking pages. Microsoft Bing page snapshot generation engine. Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java.
SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Oracle Identity Manager OIM enables enterprises to manage the entire user lifecycle across all enterprise resources both within and beyond a firewall. Spring Boot makes it easy to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss. Apache CouchDB is open source database software that focuses on ease of use and having a scalable architecture.
SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a C programming library. Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration.
Prototype takes the complexity out of client-side web programming. Redis is an open source in-memory data structure project implementing a distributed, in-memory key-value database with optional durability. Foundation is a responsive front-end framework. UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
RequireJS is a JavaScript library and file loader which manages the dependencies between JavaScript files and in modular programming. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. MooTools is a lightweight, object-oriented JavaScript framework. Laravel is a free, open source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model-view-controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony.
CodeIgniter is an open source software rapid development web framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP. AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open source front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.
Django is a free and open source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-template MVT architectural pattern. Citrix Systems, Inc. Apache Struts is an open source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications. Extensible Markup Language XML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
Common Gateway Interface CGI offers a standard protocol for web servers to interface with executable programs running on a server that generate web pages dynamically.
A proxy server is a server a computer system or an application that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. Cisco Systems, Inc. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but is also used as a general-purpose programming language. Adobe ColdFusion is a commercial rapid web application development platform created by JJ Allaire in Microsoft Windows or simply Windows is a meta-family of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.
FrontPage Server Extensions are a software technology that allows Microsoft FrontPage clients to communicate with web servers, and provide additional functionality intended for websites. Server-side systems not covered by any of the existing server technologies or the other systems here.
Sets the physical memory utilization thresholds for entering high and exiting low failure mode. Sets the CPU utilization thresholds for entering and exiting failure mode respectively: when the high threshold is exceeded the system enters failure mode until CPU drops below the low threshold.
How to handle requests when the App Protect Enforcer cannot process them, either because it is down, disconnected or because of excessive CPU or memory utilization. A long randomized string that serves to generate the encryption key for the cookies generated by App Protect. Determines how to handle compressed requests. Determines how to handle requests in case the NGINX request buffer is full and requests cannot be buffered anymore. Imports the user-defined tagged signature file with the respective tag name from the provided path.
Determines the period of time between reconnect retries of the module to the web application firewall WAF engine. It must be invoked with the App Protect library path. Whether to enable App Protect at the respective context. If not present, inherits from the parent context.
The system checks that the request contains an ASM cookie that has not been modified or tampered with. The system examines the HTTP message for known attacks by matching it against known attack patterns.
The system checks that the timestamp in the HTTP cookie is not old. The system checks that the request does not include a cookie header that exceeds the acceptable length specified in the security policy.
This violation occurs when HTTP cookies contain at least one of the following components: Quotation marks in the cookie name. The system checks that the web application cookies within the request have not been tampered, and the system checks that the request includes a web application cookie defined in the security policy. The system checks that the requested file type is configured as a valid file type, or not configured as an invalid file type, within the security policy.
The system checks that the request contains gRPC content that is well-formed. The system checks that the request includes a total HTTP header length that does not exceed the length specified in the security policy. The system checks that the values of all headers within the request only contain meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.
This category contains a list of validation checks that the system performs on HTTP requests to ensure that the requests are formatted properly. The server response contains an HTTP status code that is not defined as valid in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains JSON content that is well-formed. The system checks that the incoming request contains JSON data that matches the schema file that is part of a JSON profile configured in the security policy. The system checks that the request references an HTTP request method that is found in the security policy.
The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose data type matches the data type defined in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose value is not empty when it must contain a value. The system checks that the multi-part request has a parameter value that does not contain the NULL character 0x The system checks that all parameter names within the incoming request only contain meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.
The system checks that the incoming request contains a parameter whose value is in the range of decimal or integer values defined in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains a static parameter whose value is defined in the security policy.
A previous release of. Default to compare each element of the tuple :. But devirtualization improvements have gone well beyond such known intrinsic methods. Consider this microbenchmark:. NET Core enabled the JIT to avoid the boxing operation here from casting a value type to an interface it implements and emit this purely as a constrained method call, and then a subsequent release enabled it to be devirtualized and inlined:. Length call. NET Note in. Length call, with the assembly now limited to moving the answer 3 into the return register:.
A multitude of other changes have impacted devirtualization as well. One of my favorite features of. NET in multiple forms over the years. But the implementation in. The general idea behind profile-guided optimization is that a developer can first compile their app, using special tooling that instruments the binary to track various pieces of interesting data.
They can then run their instrumented application through typical use, and the resulting data from the instrumentation can then be fed back into the compiler the next time around to influence how the compiler compiles the code. However, with tiered compilation, a whole new world is available. You can see where this is going. That enables gathering all of the interesting data during tier 0. Note that the core libraries that make up.
To enable instrumenting the core libraries as well, you can disable ReadyToRun:. Then the core libraries will also participate. You may hear folks working on. When compiled on. NET 6 normally, we get this:. A few things to notice, beyond it being much longer.
That enables better use of instruction caches and minimizes loads necessary to bring in likely-unsed code. Now at the beginning of the method, we see:. This is the magic. Range inside of the Enumerable implementation. MoveNext method, devirtualized.
Not only that, but it decided it was profitable to inline that MoveNext method. That MoveNext implementation is then the assembly code that immediately follows. The net effect of this is a bit larger code, but optimized for the exact scenario expected to be most common:. It can actually reduce code size in various circumstances by choosing to not apply optimizations that might otherwise increase code size e.
It can optimize for type casts, emitting checks that do a direct type comparison against the actual object type rather than always relying on more complicated and expensive cast helpers e. The list will continue to grow over time as the JIT learns more and more how to, well, learn.
There are other categories of optimization critical to high-performance C and. NET code, as well. For example, bounds checking. One of the great things about C and. NET is that, unless you go out of your way to circumvent the protections put in place e. You can see that with a simple example:. Length against the index value stored in the r8d register.
If the index is equal to or greater than the array length, it jumps to the end of the method, which calls a helper that throws an exception. Of course, such bounds checks add overhead. NET libraries do rely on avoiding this kind of overhead wherever possible. If you write:. Every release of. NET sees the JIT become wise to more and more patterns where it can safely eliminate bounds checking, and.
NET 6 follows suit. Consider the following benchmark:. This represents relatively typical code you might see in some lower-level formatting, where the length of a span is checked and then data written into the span. NET 6 makes that a whole lot better, thanks to the aforementioned PRs. NET 5, this benchmark would result in assembly like the following:. The JIT in. NET 6 knows that, too:. Much better. Those changes then also allowed undoing some hacks e.
In previous releases, there was an issue in the JIT where an inlined method call could cause subsequent bounds checks that otherwise would have been removed to now no longer be removed. This PR fixes that, the effect of which is evident in this benchmark. For example, consider this code:. However, doing such a bounds check on each iteration of the loop adds an extra comparison and branch on each iteration. However, as with other bounds checking removal optimizations, the JIT is looking for very specific patterns, and things that deviate and fall off the golden path lose out on the optimization.
NET 6 the loop is now cloned, as can be seen from this benchmark:. Not just bytes, but the same issue manifests for arrays of non-primitive structs. Consider a loop like:. In other words, change the while into a do.. Now consider the same situation with the inverted loop. We then enter the do.. Summary: we saved two jumps. What about constants? Folding can happen at various levels of compilation. If you write this C :. Folding can also happen in the JIT, which is particularly valuable in the face of inlining.
If I have this C :. Based on whatever their needs were, the developer of Contains string, char decided that it would very frequently be called with string literals, and that single character literals were common.
Now if I write:. The implementation of ContainsSpace string, char is then exposed to the fact that string s is ” ” and char c is ‘ ‘. It can then propagate the fact that s. Length is actually the constant 1 , which enables deleting as dead code everything after the if block. Neat, right? NET 5 that introduced the ability to treat “literalString”.
Length as a constant highlighted thousands of bytes of improvements in the generated assembly code across the core libraries. But a good example in. The methods being changed in this PR are expected to be called from C compiler-generated code with literals, and being able to specialize based on the length of the string literal passed effectively enables multiple implementations of the method the JIT can choose from based on its knowledge of the literal used at the call site, resulting in faster and smaller code when such a literal is used.
But, the JIT needs to be taught what kinds of things can be folded. Consider the Microsoft. ConsoleFormatter abstract base class. It exposes a protected constructor that looks like this:. Now look at one of the built-in types derived from it, like JsonConsoleFormatter :. Note that base ConsoleFormatterNames. Json call.
Json is defined as:. As mentioned earlier, thanks to tiered compilation, static readonly s initialized in tier 0 can become consts in tier 1. This was enabled in previous.
NET releases. For example, you might find code that dynamically enables or disables a feature based on an environment variable and then stores the result of that into a static readonly bool. When code reading that static field is recompiled in tier 1, the Boolean value can be considered a constant, enabling branches based on that value to be trimmed away. For example, given this benchmark:. The aforementioned PR builds on that capability by enabling null folding for such values.
Consider a library that exposes a method like:. Default passed as an argument. NET 6, you can see those first two instructions are still there, and the last three instructions are still there, but the middle four instructions test , jne , mov , mov have evaporated, because the compiler is now able to propagate the non-nullness of the static readonly and eliminate completely the comparer??
Default; from the inlined helper. Most of the Math methods can now participate in constant folding, so if their inputs end up as constants for whatever reason, the results can become constants as well, and with constant propagation, this leads to the potential for serious reduction in run-time evaluation. Math docs , editing it to create a method that computes the height of a trapezoid. Note the time spent for. NET 6 has dropped to nothing, and the code size has dropped from bytes to Because the entire operation became a single constant.
NET 5 assembly looked like this:. Pow on top of a bunch of double addition, subtraction, and square root operations, whereas with. NET 6, we get:. There were additional folding-related improvements. Sometimes, though, improvements are much more focused, with a change intended to improve the code generated for a very specific pattern. And there have been a lot of those in. Here are a few examples:. The trouble with this, however, is that in order to call the ThrowIfNull method with a string literal, we end up needing to materialize that string literal as a string object e.
If the check were being done inline, the JIT already has logic to deal with that, e. But here are a few key statements from her post to help shed some light on the terminology:. Regions are much smaller units, they are by default 4MB each. Same with free spaces in gen2 and LOH — you might have some free spaces in gen2, it would be nice to use them to allocate some large objects. We do decommit on a segment but only the end of the segment which is after the very last live object on that segment denoted by the light gray space at the end of each segment.
And if you have pinning that prevents the GC from retracting the end of the segment, then we can only form free spaces and free spaces are always committed memory. But that requires bookkeeping to remember which parts in the middle of a segment are decommitted so we need to re-commit them when we want to use them to allocate objects.
And now we are getting into the idea of regions anyway, which is to have much smaller amounts of memory being manipulated separately by the GC. Sometimes performance optimizations are about eliminating unnecessary work, or making tradeoffs that optimize for the common case while slightly pessimizing niche cases, or taking advantage of new lower-level capabilities to do something faster, or any number of other things. But sometimes, performance optimizations are about finding ways to help bad-but-common code be a little less bad.
To do that, at its core a thread pool needs two things: a queue of work to be processed, and a set of threads to process them. We can write a functional, trivial thread pool, well, trivially:. Boom, functional thread pool. But… not a very good one. The hardest part of a good thread pool is in the management of the threads, and in particular determining at any given point how many threads should be servicing the queue of work. NET ThreadPool has multiple mechanisms in place for determining how many threads should be in play at any point in time.
First, it has a starvation detection mechanism. Thus, we end up blocking every thread in the pool, waiting for the thread pool to detect the starvation and inject another thread, which the repro then dutifully blocks, and on and on, until finally there are enough threads that every queued work item can be running concurrently. You can see the output here; pay attention to the timestamps on each work item, where you can see that after ramping up very quickly to have a number of threads equal to the number of cores, it then very slowly introduces additional threads.
In response, the thread pool becomes much more aggressive about increasing its target thread count while the blocking persists, and then immediately lowers the target count again as soon as the blocking has ended. Running the same console app again on. Interestingly, this improvement was made easier by another large thread pool related change in. NET 6: the implementation is now entirely in C.
In previous releases of. As of. This should make further improvements and optimizations easier and enable more advancements in the pool in future releases. One of the things you find a lot in multithreaded code, whether direct usage in low-lock algorithms or indirect usage in concurrency primitives like locks and semaphores, is spinning.
That makes it challenging for tuning the behavior of higher-level code written using spin loops, which core code in the runtime and key concurrency-related types in the core libraries do. To address this discrepancy and provide a consistent view of pauses, previous releases of. NET have tried to measure at startup the duration of pauses, and then used those metrics to normalize how many pauses are used when one is needed.
However, this approach has a few downsides. NET process invocations that happen every day. To address this, the aforementioned PR changes its scheme. Rather than measuring once at startup for a longer period of time, it periodically does a short measurement and uses that to refresh its perspective on how long pauses take. This should lead to an overall decrease in CPU usage as well as a more up-to-date understanding of what these pauses cost, leading to a more consistent behavior of the apps and services that rely on it.
One notable and long overdue change is enabling Task. When async methods were added in. But Task. This has led to one of two commonly-seen occurrences: either a developer using Task. FromResult recognizes this deficiency and has to maintain their own cache for values like true and false , or a developer using Task. This adds a tiny bit of overhead a branch or two when Task. NET 6 that is likely to impact a lot of. NET code, directly or indirectly.
This requires some backstory. We can see that if we compile a simple async method:. This builder type is used in the generated code to create the builder instance via a static Create method , to access the built task via a Task instance property , to complete that built task via SetResult and SetException instance methods , and to handle the state management associated with that built task when an await yields via AwaitOnCompleted and UnsafeAwaitOnCompleted instance methods.
Most developers should never see these types in any code they read or write. One of the downsides to this model, however, is that which builder is selected is tied to the definition of the type being returned from the async method.
Why would you want to change the builder? There are a variety of reasons someone might want to control the details of the lifecycle of the task, but one of the most prominent is pooling. As outlined in the blog post Async ValueTask Pooling in. NET 5 ,. That experiment is complete and the environment variable removed for. In its stead, this capability is supported in a new form in. NET 6 and C If we change our previous example to be:.
We can see that with a simple benchmark:. Note the allocation per call dropping from bytes to 0. Two reasons. First, it does create a functional difference. Task s are more capable than ValueTask s, supporting concurrent usage, multiple awaiters, and synchronous blocking.
If consuming code was, for example, doing:. Code analysis rule CA is meant to help avoid such code, but that alone is insufficient to prevent such breaks. Second, as you can see from the benchmark above, while the pooling avoided the allocation, it came with a bit more overhead.
And not shown here is the additional overhead in memory and working set of having to maintain the pool at all, which is maintained per async method. There are also some potential overheads not shown here, things that are common pitfalls to any kind of pooling.
For example, the GC is optimized to make gen0 collections really fast, and one of the ways it can do that is by not having to scan gen1 or gen2 as part of a gen0 GC. Since the entire purpose of pooling is to keep objects around for a long time, those objects will likely end up being in these higher generations, and any references they store could end up making GCs more expensive; that can easily be the case with these state machines, as every parameter and local used in the method could potentially need to be tracked as such.
Beyond these new builders, there have been other new APIs introduced in. NET 6 related to tasks. This is useful in replacing a fairly common pattern that shows up and that, unfortunately, developers often get wrong with developers wanting to wait for a task to complete but with either or both a timeout and cancellation.
For example, this:. WaitAsync to replace a similar implementation that existed inside of SemaphoreSlim. WaitAsync , such that the latter is now both simpler to maintain and faster with less allocation. NET 6 also sees the long-requested addition of Parallel. On the subject of CancellationToken , the cancellation support in. NET 6 has also seen performance improvements, both for existing functionality and for new APIs that enable an app to do even better. That led to a really neat but complicated lock-free implementation that involved quite a bit of allocation and overhead.
If you were in fact registering and unregistering from the same token from lots of threads in parallel, the implementation was very efficient and resulted in good throughput. This PR recognizes this reality and reverts the implementation to a much simpler, lighterweight, and faster one that performs better for the vast majority use case while taking a hit if it is actually hammered by multiple threads concurrently.
CancellationToken also has new APIs that help with performance. This gets a bit tricky, however, if CancelAfter is used or if the constructor is used that takes a timeout, as both of those cause a timer to be created, and there are race conditions possible between the timer firing and someone checking to see whether IsCancellationRequested is true to determine whether to reuse the instance. The new TryReset method avoids this race condition. Those are some of the bigger performance-focused changes in threading.
There are a myriad of smaller ones as well, for example the new Thread. Exchange and Interlocked. CompareExchange when used with nint IntPtr or nuint UIntPtr by enabling them to reuse the existing intrinsics for int and long :. NET app uses types from the core System namespace, and so improvements to these types often have wide-reaching impact.
There have been many performance enhancements to these types in. Applications Modularization: Six previously built-in applications – Photo Station, Audio Station, Download Station, Media Server, iTunes Server, and Surveillance Station – are now modularized to be independent packages, and they can be installed or updated separately without interrupting services running on DSM.
You will get an overview of system status and monitor the activities of your Synology DiskStation right after the login. Connection Manager: A real-time connection list is now added to allow you to monitor who is accessing your data and kill the connections of unwanted users.
VMware vSphere 5. The test result of iSCSI writing is listed below:. Time Backup Enhancements : Remote destination is now supported to help you back up multiple versions onto another DiskStation over LAN for disaster recovery. The sync can be triggered by the modification on the files, or you can schedule the sync task according to needs, and retain the mirror shared folders on the destination DiskStation.
For the complete list of supported printers, please see here. For the complete list of supported routers, please see here. Check the supported router list in the Special Notes. Multitasking: Users can run multiple applications simultaneously on Desktop and switch between them instantly. Multitasking support saves users from the constant wait of refreshing the whole webpage. All running applications are placed on the task bar. Photo Station Enhancement: Google map function is enhanced, allowing browsing multiple locations where all the photos are taken within the same album if the geo-information is available.
WebDAV: Web-based Distribution Authoring and Versioning is added to allow users to manage and edit files on DiskStation remotely with the support of content metadata and overwrite protection. It helps a disperse group of users around the world work on the same project as a team, which will greatly increase the effectiveness of group collaboration. View the complete list here. The test results are listed below:. File Station is now only supported on the customized port to provide independent access to individuals.
Download DSM 2. WebSocket Parser Attack WebSocket parser attack targets the functionality of the WebSocket parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally. This attack occurs when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is processed by a weakly configured XML parser. XPath Injection XPath-Injection occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input but places it directly into the XML document query.
Successful exploitation results in information gathering and system integrity compromise. Default ‘json’ Supported formats: ‘json’ –keep-full-configuration By default the exported policy will only contain elements that are valid for the environment in which this tool is run. If full-export is enabled then all policy elements are included in the export file.
When this option is selected, no warnings are generated when removing unsupported elements from the exported policy. Optionally, using –help will issue this help message. If no tag is specified in the XML file, a default tag of ‘user-defined-signatures’ will be assigned. Default ‘json’ Supported formats: ‘json’ Optionally, using –help will issue this help message.
Available fields: name,signatureId,signatureType,attackType,accuracy,tag,risk,systems,hasCve,references,isUserDefined,description,lastUpdateMicros Optionally, using –help will issue this help message. See details below. The supported destinations options are stderr , or an absolute path to a local file, or syslog server as localhost, hostname, IP address or FQDN with an optional port.
Enumerated values: all: all requests, both legal and illegal. String representing the template of the message with placeholders for the message attributes. The currently available security log attributes are specified below in the Available Security Log Attributes section.
Integer representing bytes in the range of , or any. The type is string in terms of JSON schema, to accommodate the any option. No any Relevant only if the request field is present in the log. There are two subfields to configure: from: defines the character to be replaced. See Blocking Observability for more information. If the request contains binary content or uses text encoding that the log destination does not support, then this field may not be rendered correctly.
Suitable for binary content. The possible values are: blocked: The request was blocked due to a violation encountered. A blocking response page was returned to the client. It is a static value coming from the Violations. It contains the line number of the containing server block in nginx. This option is commonly used when proxies are involved to track the originator of the request. Attack signature set A collection of attack signatures designed for a specific purpose such as Apache.
For example, the string googlebot inside the User-Agent header will be classified as trusted bot , and the string Bichoo Spider will be classified as malicious bot. Block To prevent a request from reaching a protected web application. Blocking response page A blocking response page is displayed to a client when a request from that client has been blocked. Also called blocking page and response page. Enforcement mode Security policies can be in one of two enforcement modes: Transparent mode In Transparent mode, Blocking is disabled for the security policy.
Traffic is not blocked even if a violation is triggered with block flag enabled. You can use this mode when you first put a security policy into effect to make sure that no false positives occur that would stop legitimate traffic. Blocking mode In Blocking mode, Blocking is enabled for the security policy, and you can enable or disable the Block setting for individual violations. Traffic is blocked when a violation occurs if you configure the system to block that type of violation.
You can use this mode when you are ready to enforce the security policy. You can change the enforcement mode for a security policy in the security policy JSON file. Also refers to elements of a security policy for which enforcement can be turned on or off, such as an attack signature. File types Examples of file types are. They are the extensions for many objects that make up a web application. Illegal request A request which violates a security policy Legal request A request which has not violated the security policy.
The term also applies to attack signatures, which can be manually disabled — effectively removing the signature from triggering any violations. Violation Violations occur when some aspect of a request or response does not comply with the security policy. You can configure the blocking settings for any violation in a security policy.
When a violation occurs, the system can Alarm or Block a request blocking is only available when the enforcement mode is set to Blocking. Default policy covers all the OWASP top 10 attack patterns enabling signature sets detailed in a section below. These are patterns that detect all the known attack campaigns. All evasion techniques are enabled by default and each can be disabled.
Support any file type. By default all cookies are allowed and not enforced for integrity. JSON content profile detects malformed content and detects signatures and metacharacters in the property values. XML content profile detects malformed content and detects signatures in the element values. By default block requests that are declared as threats, that is, their Violation Rating is 4 or 5.
Illegal status code in the range of 4xx and 5xx. The user can customize all blocking pages. Microsoft Bing page snapshot generation engine. Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java. SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Oracle Identity Manager OIM enables enterprises to manage the entire user lifecycle across all enterprise resources both within and beyond a firewall.
Spring Boot makes it easy to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss. Apache CouchDB is open source database software that focuses on ease of use and having a scalable architecture. SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a C programming library. Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration.
Prototype takes the complexity out of client-side web programming. Redis is an open source in-memory data structure project implementing a distributed, in-memory key-value database with optional durability. Foundation is a responsive front-end framework. UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
RequireJS is a JavaScript library and file loader which manages the dependencies between JavaScript files and in modular programming.
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. MooTools is a lightweight, object-oriented JavaScript framework. Laravel is a free, open source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model-view-controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony.
CodeIgniter is an open source software rapid development web framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP. AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open source front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications. Django is a free and open source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-template MVT architectural pattern.
Citrix Systems, Inc. Apache Struts is an open source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications. Extensible Markup Language XML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
Common Gateway Interface CGI offers a standard protocol for web servers to interface with executable programs running on a server that generate web pages dynamically. A proxy server is a server a computer system or an application that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.
Cisco Systems, Inc. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but is also used as a general-purpose programming language.
Adobe ColdFusion is a commercial rapid web application development platform created by JJ Allaire in Microsoft Windows or simply Windows is a meta-family of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. FrontPage Server Extensions are a software technology that allows Microsoft FrontPage clients to communicate with web servers, and provide additional functionality intended for websites.
Server-side systems not covered by any of the existing server technologies or the other systems here. Sets the physical memory utilization thresholds for entering high and exiting low failure mode. Sets the CPU utilization thresholds for entering and exiting failure mode respectively: when the high threshold is exceeded the system enters failure mode until CPU drops below the low threshold.
How to handle requests when the App Protect Enforcer cannot process them, either because it is down, disconnected or because of excessive CPU or memory utilization. A long randomized string that serves to generate the encryption key for the cookies generated by App Protect. Determines how to handle compressed requests. Determines how to handle requests in case the NGINX request buffer is full and requests cannot be buffered anymore.
Imports the user-defined tagged signature file with the respective tag name from the provided path. Determines the period of time between reconnect retries of the module to the web application firewall WAF engine. It must be invoked with the App Protect library path. Whether to enable App Protect at the respective context. If not present, inherits from the parent context. The system checks that the request contains an ASM cookie that has not been modified or tampered with.
The system examines the HTTP message for known attacks by matching it against known attack patterns. The system checks that the timestamp in the HTTP cookie is not old. The system checks that the request does not include a cookie header that exceeds the acceptable length specified in the security policy.
This violation occurs when HTTP cookies contain at least one of the following components: Quotation marks in the cookie name. The system checks that the web application cookies within the request have not been tampered, and the system checks that the request includes a web application cookie defined in the security policy. The system checks that the requested file type is configured as a valid file type, or not configured as an invalid file type, within the security policy.
The system checks that the request contains gRPC content that is well-formed. The system checks that the request includes a total HTTP header length that does not exceed the length specified in the security policy. The system checks that the values of all headers within the request only contain meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.
This category contains a list of validation checks that the system performs on HTTP requests to ensure that the requests are formatted properly. The server response contains an HTTP status code that is not defined as valid in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains JSON content that is well-formed.
The system checks that the incoming request contains JSON data that matches the schema file that is part of a JSON profile configured in the security policy. The system checks that the request references an HTTP request method that is found in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose data type matches the data type defined in the security policy.
The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose value is not empty when it must contain a value. The system checks that the multi-part request has a parameter value that does not contain the NULL character 0x The system checks that all parameter names within the incoming request only contain meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.
The system checks that the incoming request contains a parameter whose value is in the range of decimal or integer values defined in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains a static parameter whose value is defined in the security policy. The system checks that the value is a valid Base64 string. The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose value length in bytes matches the value length defined in the security policy.
The system checks that the request contains an alphanumeric parameter value that matches the expected pattern specified by the regular-expression field for that parameter. The system checks that the request contains POST data whose length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains a query string whose length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy. The combination of violations in this request determined that the request is likely to be a threat.
The combination of violations could not determine whether the request is a threat or violations are false positives thus requiring more examination. The system checks that the request length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy per the requested file type. The system checks that the request length is not larger than the maximum memory buffer size. The system examines the HTTP message for known threat campaigns by matching it against known attack patterns.
The system checks that the request is for a URL whose length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy. The system checks that the incoming request includes a URL that contains only meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.
The system checks that the request contains XML data that is well-formed, according to W3C standards. More than one content-length header is a non RFC violation. POST request is usually sent with request body. The Content-Length header value should be greater than zero; only a numeric positive number value is accepted.
The system compares the number of parameters in the request to the maximum configured number of parameters. The system checks that there is no unescaped space within the URL in the request line. The system checks the following: A boundary follows immediately after request headers.
Ensures that directory traversal commands like.. The system decodes URI and parameter values multiple times according to the number specified before the request is considered an evasion. Brute-force attacks are mainly used for guessing passwords and bypassing access control of an application by executing many different attempts.
Buffer Overflow could be triggered when data written to memory exceeds the allocated size of the buffer for that data. Cache poisoning is an attack against the integrity of an intermediate Web cache repository, in which genuine content cached for an arbitrary URL is replaced with spoofed content.
Web applications can be tricked to execute operating system commands, injected from a remote machine, if user supplied input is not properly checked by the web application. Cross Site Scripting XSS occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input and places it directly into the page returned to the user. A denial-of-service DoS attack represents a family of attacks aimed to exhaust the application server resources up to a point that the application cannot respond to legitimate traffic, either because it has crashed, or because its slow response renders it effectively unavailable.
An attempt is made to evade detection of the attack on a web server, by obfuscating the attack using various methods such as encodings and path manipulation. This is a directory listing attempt which can lead to information disclosure and possible exposure of sensitive system information.
This attack occurs when an attacker is directly accessing a URL, which could grant access to a restricted part of the web site. This attack targets the functionality of the GWT parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally. Sensitive information may be present within HTML comments, error messages, source code, or simply left in files which are accessible by remote clients.
This is an attack where an attacker injects OS commands, active script commands in JavaScript or any other scripting language or SQL commands into various parts of an HTTP request, in order for the injected content to run on remote systems.
This is an attack against an application that receives serialized objects. Many applications allow uploading files to the server, such as images or documents. This attack targets the functionality of the JSON parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally.
If user-supplied input is not correctly sanitized, the attacker could change the construction of LDAP statements. Malicious file upload occurs when a user tries to upload a malicious file to the web application. NoSQL databases are non-relational databases, and even though they do not use the SQL syntax, non-sanitized input might let attackers control the original query via a database specific programming language.
This attack does not belong to any specific attack category; however, it is a violation of the user-defined security policy. This is an attack which targets the web application and does not fall in any predefined category.
By changing certain parameters in a URL or web page form, attackers can successfully attack the web application business logic. Path traversal can be used to bypass the web server root and request various files, including system files or private directories and resources. By making educated guesses, the attacker could discover hidden web site content and functionality, such as configuration, temporary, backup, or sample files. An attacker can submit server-side code by invalidated input.
Some applications receive a URL as input and use it to exchange data with another service. Some applications use server-side templates for better modularity. An attacker can steal a valid web session from legitimate users in order to gain unauthorized access.
SQL-Injection occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input, and places it directly into the SQL statement. An attempt is made using an automatic tool to scan a web server, or an application running on a web server, for a possible vulnerability. WebSocket parser attack targets the functionality of the WebSocket parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally. This is a type of attack against an application that parses XML input. This attack targets the functionality of the XML parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally.
XPath-Injection occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input but places it directly into the XML document query.
Allows to replace a character in security log value with another character. The classification of the client. A flag that returns true if a request is truncated in the security logs, or false if it is not.
Contains the violations and applicable signature names and IDs associated with a transaction. The entire request including headers, query string, and data in its original encoding. The status of client request made to Web Application as assigned by the App Protect policy. The maximum severity calculated from all violations found in the request. Estimation of the likelihood that the request is indeed a threat on a scale of 0 to 5: 0 – not a threat no violations , 5 – most likely a threat.
Comma-separated list of logical violation names e. A unique identifier of the location in the nginx. X-Forwarded-For header information. To prevent a request from reaching a protected web application. A blocking response page is displayed to a client when a request from that client has been blocked. No matter who you ask, you will get the same answer: dating nowadays is hard.
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Import the following four (4) database tables from your Assignment 1 Microsoft Access // Database File and into Microsoft Excel // (tblCustomers, tblItems, tblSuppliers, tblOrders). The easiest and quickest way to import data from Access // into Excel // is by using the “Import From Access. SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Launched in , SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantially among organizations. TYPO3 is a free and open source web content management system written. 早熟かどうか確認するには身長の成長曲線を描くのが一番早いです。 学校からのデータで身長の経年変化図を書いている人は多いと思います。 しかし、身長の推移だけでは早熟なのか分かりにくいです。 1年間に成長した量を図に書くと第二次性徴期(思春期)が分かりやすいです。.