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The current release of Adobe Premiere Elements has a number of new features that help you transform video footage to impressive movies. In Adobe Premiere Elements 12, Guided view makes movie-making simpler and easier. Guided view helps you edit video clips by guiding you through a series of steps. You can perform tasks like trimming unwanted frames, or adding scores to video clips to slightly more complex tasks like animating the graphics in your video clips, with easy to follow step-by-step guided assistance.

Click the Guided view to view the Guided Edits available to help you transform raw video footage to better movie clips. Add the video clip on the timeline and then select a Guided Edit from Quick or Expert view.

There are Guided Edits to help you in your movie-making endeavors. For example, removing footages, adding narration, adding titles, and so on. Auto Smart Tone is a powerful tool for automatically bringing your dull, dim, or washed-out videos to life. This feature uses a smart algorithm to modify the brightness and contrast of your video. The Auto Smart tone feature applies a correction to the scenes in your video.

There is a controller that you can move around on the frame to fine-tune the results. More Film Looks have been added under Effects on the Action bar. You can apply these to your video clips to achieve effects like Animated, Trinity, Cross Process, and Yesteryear. You can now add scores to video clips and thus enhance the musical atmosphere of the video. A score here refers to an audio track that you can drag-and-drop to a video in the timeline.

A score in terms of duration played includes an intro, a body, and an extro. The music played in a score dynamically fits to the length of the video track. If you reduce the time of the score track, down or stretch it out, it rebuilds itself to match the duration. Despite any truncation in the score, it has the same intro and extro, there was earlier. Also, there are sound effects that help you to make a creative point or emphasizing a certain portion of the video clip or movie.

These effects are added to the video background. Motion Tracking gives you the ability to track the movement of an object in a video clip. You can attach clipart like still images, graphics, or video clips to the object.

These objects then move together on the screen. Motion tracking is a new animation-like effect that helps track a certain object easily in a video clip. Adobe Premiere Elements enables you to put easily resizeable frames on particular objects to track them as per the intent. Therefore, you can create movie compositions to follow the motion when there are many objects in a clip and draw user attention to a particular object. For example, can be used in a car race to draw attention to a particular vehicle.

Adjustment layers help apply the same effects to multiple clips. Effects applied to an adjustment layer affect all the layers below it. You can use combinations of effects on a single adjustment layer. You can also use multiple adjustment layers to control more effects.

Adjustment layers can be applied in both Quick and Expert mode. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. What’s new in Adobe Premiere Elements 12 Search.

Guided view for new users. Auto Smart Tone. More Film Looks. New Film Looks. Scores and sound effects. Motion tracking. Video Adjustment Layers. Sign in to your account. Sign in. Quick links View all your plans Manage your plans.


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Adobe premiere elements 12 help free –

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