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Add a Gmail account to Outlook – Outlook.Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook(GASMO) の設定方法 | ワクスピ・ブログ
First, sign in to the Google Admin console and confirm your settings. Note: Links to Google content are provided as a convenience and can change location without notice. Under Create a G Suite profile in Microsoft Outlook , leave the Import data from an existing profile check box cleared, and then choose Create profile.
On the setup confirmation page, choose Start Microsoft Outlook. On the Microsoft confirmation page, choose Accept and start Outlook. After your contacts, calendar, and email have synchronized with Outlook, choose Close. Select Download G Suite Sync.
Choose Run. Choose Yes to allow the app to make changes. Wait for the download and installation to finish. Choose Close. Select your account. Scroll down and select Allow.
Leave the Import data from an existing profile unchecked, because you’re not going to import date into this account. Choose Create profile. Select Start Microsoft Outlook.
Then, Accept and start Outlook. You see your contacts, calendar, and email synchronize with Outlook. When it finishes, choose Close.
You can now see your email, calendar, and contacts if you have them. Watch the next video. See all training in this series. Sign up and set up your apps. Try it! When installation has finished, choose Close. Select your account, and then choose Allow. In Directory settings, make sure Enable contact sharing is selected.
Watch the next video See all training in this series. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free. Need more help? Expand your Office skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Any other feedback? The more you tell us, the more we can help. How can we improve? Send No thanks.
Email App for Gmail on the App Store
with Outlook Comprehensive Best books online GO! Microsoft is very grateful to MVPs for volunteering to share their experience with millions of other technology users. October 7, How to Transfer and Migrate Yahoo Mail to Gmail — 2 Easy Methods. Email Insights is a new Windows 10 app from Microsoft Garage, the app Are you satisfied with our contents? Experience new features to manage your Google email on your phone, tablet, or smartwatch in the most efficient manner.